Things are returning to some form of normalcy in the control room. The injured, including Vanna, have been moved to a separate area, and those crew members still in good health are preparing for the upcoming landing. The sun is still sinking outside, vanishing slowly out of sight and leaving darkness behind. Penny’s first assessment of the Ars Magi’s state didn’t earn her a response earlier, but now that the ship is settled and the woman has time to speak she address further the question of what, exactly, happened: “The Void that knocked the ship off course was much more dangerous than the one you faced.” [color=Gold]“I-It looked like you were fightin’ another Ars Magi… W-Was it some kinda Void that could shape shift?”[/color] Victoria’s gaze turns to Dana when she broaches the subject of the other Ars Magi. The Wing of Justice is quiet for a moment, considering before she replies. “That was...” A pause. “An enemy combatant. I couldn’t tell you any more than that.” She doesn’t clarify if it’s because she doesn’t know, or if it’s some other reason she’s declining to speak further. “Regardless, what you saw is not to leave this ship.” “Understood?”