Iris had watched the whole speech her eyes never leaving Caspian as he stood and addressed the country about the fallen King, his father. Listening to Cas only reaffirmed her belief on him being a good leader, the fact that he addressed everyone just hours after finding out with to her what seemed like confidence was astounding. There was no way she could have done anything like that, whether she had been trained or not she knew she would never have had the courage to do such a thing. Coupled with the fact not all memories had been great with her own father and she knew that Cas had experienced a bit of a rocky relationship also, but he had spoken about the triumphs his father had done. Not that she agreed with everything he had said. It was strange to think how only last night his father had arranged for him to be sent to a mental institution because he was certain his son had something wrong with him all because Cas had stuck up for her and the life he had seen beyond the Capital. Now Atlas was dead, and she knew she would be lying when she said she was sorry for that because truthfully deep down she was glad he was dead. Sure, it had been the wish of the rebellion and she had wished it too, because the King had not once thought of the districts and not once bettered their area for the good. Not a dime had been thrown their way, so of course it was no wonder the people had rebelled and the only thing she was sorry for was the fact that Cas had lost his father as that was a blow no one could understand unless they had experienced it themselves. Even though she had lost her own father it was still different circumstances, her father had been crazed in the end and lost his mind. There hadn’t really been a father daughter relationship between them for quite sometime and it only took until recently for her to admit that fact. It was partly her being naïve to it, that her father wasn’t obsessed with the rebellion and rising above his station. Shaking her head as the speech was over, she settled down on the sofa watching the clock, it wasn’t ten yet, but she couldn’t wait to finally call him and make sure he was okay. Iris would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t worried about him, they had been through so much recently and she didn’t want this to be that final nail in the coffin for some sort of mental breakdown. If she were to list everything down that had happened, she wouldn’t even believe it herself. Tapping her fingers against the edge of the sofa she mumbled to herself waiting for the time to pass, [color=f49ac2]“Come on…”[/color] It felt as if time was going by so slowly now that she was clock watching, the day had passed by in an alright fashion, but this last half an hour was almost torture. Standing up from the sofa she began to pace around by the kitchen glancing from the time to the phone on the wall and then finally to his number. [color=f49ac2][i]Would it look to eager of me to call dead on ten? No… surely not. Though maybe?[/i][/color] Letting out an exasperated sigh as she picked up the paper in her hands that contained his number she glanced once more back at the clock feeling her heart do a little leap seeing it had finally reached ten o’clock. Without hesitation she dialled the number into the phone feeling her heart race as she waited for the other side to pick up, hearing the rings she started to doubt herself on if it had been the right time to call. Hearing the line connect she smiled relieved that she could finally hear his voice, [color=f49ac2]“Hey Cas, how are you? Is everything okay? Well… stupid questions really, you don’t need to answer that… I'm sorry.”[/color] Amidst the excitement of calling him she had completely forgotten that he probably wasn’t okay, and it was a silly question to ask him, but she was glad she could at least talk to him. Grateful that this phone was in the hotel room. [color=f49ac2]“I don’t know why you were ever worried about being a leader, you should be proud of that speech. To get up there and address everyone after what has happened lately. You did good. I watched the whole thing.”[/color] Iris knew she was already rambling, he probably didn’t need her to ramble but she had been worried about him throughout the day and the mind numbing TV programs hadn’t helped.