[hr][color=479268][Center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5192827][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQ4OTM2OS5RV2xzWldWdUlGWmhibUoxY21WdS4w/messy-handwritten.regular.png[/img] [img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pPX_aFUYSlI/X7HCbnDj2EI/AAAAAAAAEWY/Z6n2lQrjTCQpXGeObFaoW1I23yxHukQ0ACLcBGAsYHQ/s130/AileenMaeveVanburen_Icon.png[/img][/url][/center][/color][hr] [color=479268]"Fetishists and witches and stolen property? Oh my![/color] Aileen replied, grinning and raising a brow. She was probably one of the few who actually [I]wanted[/i] to attend the meeting with the investigators, but this was turning out to be more interesting--and exciting--but dangerous. She was falling in love with the mansion and its quirky inhabitants. A couple of weeks ago when the Vanburen Mansion got broken into, she had felt awful about not being able to do anything to stop it. But this time, there [I]was[/i] something she could do. And she would do everything she could to help her new family. Too much and not enough was going on, here. Too many people talking or running around and getting in the way for Aileen to be dancing with pretty razor blades. She would have to find another way if she wanted to accomplish anything. One great thing about creepy old mansions is one thing: there's always another way. After feeling along the wall for a bit, Aileen opened one of her previously-discovered doors. It would lead her deeper into the mansion, and hopefully, lead her to some of the witches... [hr] Aileen exited the secret passageway closer to the study but still a little far from it. If the witches were truly after a magical artifact, they would wind up around here eventually if not already. So with that in mind, she tapped her thumb and pointer finger to reveal pulsing energy between her fingers. Then, carefully maneuvering her hand, she began to rotate her hand in a circle, and as she moved her hand the light began to trail a ribbon of hard, rainbow light energy. It circled her as she walked down the hall toward where the study would be. The rainbow was probably no more than 4" tall, but grew several feet long and would serve as a sort of weak defensive shield, cutting into and possibly twisting or dislocating any limb that might get into its path. The girl moved slowly and quietly, squinting her eyes as she went toward the study and gallery. She could hardly see, but she could still hear and detect movement--and from what she could tell, the voices were getting closer.