[h1]Tar 'Mdalak[/h1] [hr] Tar’s view was obscured by the large crate in front of her, so she didn’t see the Brute captain get hit. But when the relentless force against her from the Brute Shot abated, Tar dropped her cover, pulled her pistol from her mandibles and pointed it where her aggressor had been. She discovered the Brute was missing his head and some of his shoulders. He fell to his knees and then onto his side. Tar growled; part of her had wanted the captain alive so she could question him about her father. The ships were being destroyed above them, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that important clues were being destroyed with them. Nevertheless, she appreciated the assist - wherever that had come from... Tar pivoted and saw the last of the rebels running down a ramp into the belly of the Forerunner structure. She fired her pistol at them until the bullets ran out and then moved to kneel by another dead rebel. Keeping her eyes up to scan the battlefield, Tar pulled two magazines from the female’s tactical vest. She deftly reloaded with one of them, checking the new rounds were chambered correctly before standing. She held the second mag against the pistol grip, comfortably secured by her long Sangheili fingers. Before her eyes, a fast moving object slammed into the ground ahead of her, throwing up a cloud of dust. Tar cautiously moved forward with her pistol out and slightly tilted in front of her. Gradually, the dust settled and Tar saw another Spartan in grey and silver armour on the floor. She knelt beside the downed Spartan and lifted their forearm off the floor as a few more presumed members of Aegis team gathered around. “Can you hear me? Are you operational?” Tar shouted over the sound of gunfire, peering into the soldier’s individual eye holes and gently shaking their arm.