[hider=071605] [b]Name:[/b] Brayden 071605 [b]Appearance:[/b] Brayden stands at 5'10, being slightly lanky, but not completely devoid of muscle. He has short, spiked charcoal-black hair, with most of its spikiness concentrated near the back of his head. His skin is mostly of a pale complexion, though it gets darker along his arms, almost as if they were burnt. His eyes are a piercing and cold blue shade, and are partially obscured by his hair at times. For clothes, his most distinguishing piece of apparel is a torn-up, partially singed sleeveless black jacket, worn after years of living in the compound. Beyond that, he wears a white muscle shirt, deep blue jeans that are torn up and partially seared near his ankles, and thick black boots that seem a bit too big for him. Outside of testing, he is forced to wear a stainless steel mask over his mouth, a contraption of the same material made to keep his arms locked up, reaching just below his elbows, and heavy steel boots. He was forced to wear these due to 'negative behavior', putting it lightly, to ensure he doesn't endanger staff or guards. [b]Personality:[/b] Brayden is a rather chaotic force among the children of the 'menagerie', as he tends to call the lab they rather sadly call home. Ever since his powers emerged, he opposed the hierarchy presented through the doctors and guards, rather violently in fact, and needless to say it never ended well for him. If it weren't for the impressive potential of his abilities, he likely wouldn't have been tolerated for this long. Beyond his attitude about the situation at large, in contrast to his power, Brayden seems largely cool and collected, perhaps even apathetic. He always regards the other kids the exact same; completely neutral to their existence, border-lining callousness with his attitude. However, most of the other kids know he isn't a direct threat to them, as he typically keeps others out of his attempts of revolt or escape. Whether that's out of kindness or simply not wishing to deal with others, it's hard to say... [i][b]Abilities:[/b][/i] [b]Flame Generation:[/b] Brayden can generate excessive amounts of fire from himself, though they typically come from his mouth, hands, or feet. The flames can reach levels of heat that can melt through solid concrete and most metals, and even in more casual use can severely burn or melt through other living beings. However strong his power is though, it comes with a catch... (25 Pts) [b]Fire/Heat Resistance:[/b] Brayden has some natural resilience to fire and heat, but the main issue is that it isn't enough for him to manage his own firepower. When he's using his power at high-capacity, he himself begins to burn up, and while he's never been forced this far, excessive use of his power at high-capacity could permanently burn or melt parts of his body. (5 Pts) [b]Doctor:[/b] Dr. Sing [/hider] Hope he's good. :)