Kire almost laughed when Ysaryn told her not to marry Hans. "Oh, we have no problems there. If I'm marrying anybody, he would not be the one on my list of possibilities at all," she said, smirking for a moment. "I don't know what they mean either, but I'm inclined to agree. None of them are comforting at all." She pursed her lips. "Can't I get a nice, cheerful prophecy, for once?" As she sank back into contemplative silence, she glanced at Ysaryn, wondering if she should pry about her and Ed. "I hope you don't mind my asking but...Ed told me what happened. Will your father put up more resistance, or openly challenge him?" Not long later, Daryll returned, followed by someone bringing along plates of beef stew. "Myka's gone ahead. I think she just wants to avoid doing the archival work," he said, amused as he started on his own meal.