No sooner had the bird picked up the cold rock had it felt its rapid change. Having succeeded in its mission so far, it was rather disappointing to know exactly what was about to happen; too soon for anything to be done. Not even a last caw to morn its departure of the physical world before its shape started to waver. Distorting with unease as fire replaced strands of shadow until its eventual eruption. [center]---[/center] The sad silence of the raven no more was drowned out by the chaos of an unapologetic world continuing to move on. Sirens blared by the girl that walked casually though the streets. Dancing lights painted the snow in a multitude of colors; giving brief life to the world around her before quickly being swallowed by the darkness once again. She, herself, was a ways out from the warehouse that had gathered so much attention. While she could just as easily re-summon her favorite companion and perhaps give chase once more; she had figured that tonight had been eventful enough in its own right. After all, how ever the DHA decided to take things there; it would all work out in the end. What she saw through her raven's eyes was proof enough of their capabilities and inability to stop her if they wanted. Even now, a couple rested behind her. Weakly clinging to life without a mark on their body. A young woman stripped of anything of interest, face down in the snow; failing in her battle against the elements as the cold night would consume her just as it will her companion who also laid not a foot away. Neither able to move or cry for help. Shadows claiming their souls in death's quiet embrace. [color=blueviolet]"Frail is humanity's own mortality. A governing force that is invisible to all, yet feared by many in their search for a cure. Tis their foolish determination that leads them down a road of pain and strife. Not knowing what fate lay ahead of them on the dimming path. Yet here we are; a fate intertwined as we look past the veil that separates us."[/color] Words spoken to friends unseen. The waitress of a late night diner setting down a fresh cup of hot cocoa and a slice of cake to the lonesome girl that sat alone.