“Very impressive. But, can it go three rounds in the ring with me?” 595 asked, raising her fists and bouncing on the balls of her feet, as if to brawl the supercarrier. She tested out six lightning fast jabs on the air that were quite hard to track with the naked eye, ducking left and right. Freyr giggled watching her and Vreta’s expression. 595 was wearing a black, skin tight combat suit today instead of her usual uniform. Her yellow hair was in a tight braid down the back of her head. Freyr thought she looked quite striking. “That ship has quite an organic shape, is there a reason for that?” Masgard asked, pointing to the supercarrier. Freyr looked at it and even as someone who wasn’t generally interested in warships (apart from the AIs that helped run them), was intrigued by the massive ship’s unique silhouette. The Barb sailed past the supercarrier, but they didn’t go too much further until a massive space structure loomed in the forward observation window. Freyr guessed it was some kind of orbital docking station, as several smaller craft were already clinging to it. They sidled up alongside the dock as Freyr carried on marvelling Rothia and it’s incredible black hole. Soon after, a voice sounded over the tannoy. “This is your captain. Docking is complete and a full stop has been achieved. Welcome to Rothia, everyone.” A few people cheered exuberantly as most of the crew began filing out of the observation deck. “Shall we go?” Freyr asked of everyone. “Don’t want to keep people waiting.”