[quote=@deia876lat] [@Omni5876][@TheMerlin] I assume so, though wouldn't that also depend on one's own use of magic or ki? Or one's progress throughout the story? Thinking in more realistic terms, athletes would push themselves to get better, soldiers as well. I don't see how mages or knights would be any different in this regard. [/quote] I was thinking the exact same thing. True there are some even IRL who are more apt or gifted for something but that does not mean one can not try. I am assuming the great mage was just more deeply connected to the world. I think Arn is just good with elemental magic because he understand the science behind it and utilizes the Aether as the catalyst for such a reaction. I am assuming that the weather magicians do the same. Arn would never be able to summon up a storm but he knows enough to create wind and water. Thanks for the discussion, this sort of world building satisfies my nerdish musings