Well, they didn't see [i]that one[/i] coming, quite literally. Once the half-dozen exhausted attackers saw that their targets had had the good mind to use sound fighting tactics against them, they decided that now [i]really[/i] wasn't the time to be around anymore. Niko felt he was a little disappointed in the whole affair, and - at a guess - he doubted that he'd be seeing those men again. Not [i]them[/i], specifically, as their boss seemed the type to execute people for failure. He'd have to ask Wu Han about that. It was [i]his[/i] den of assassins they came from, after all. Speaking of which, his battle partner asked how he was doing and Niko responded by spitting some blood on the ground nearby. [color=92278f]"About like that, but I'll be fine."[/color] Wu's statement about police was a fair point, though to be fair, it was mainly to get out of needless amounts of statement-giving than anything else. They weren't in [i]trouble[/i] with the authorities. Not unless the assassins paid off the police. It could happen. Okay, so maybe they [i]were[/i] potentially in trouble. Han quickly searched the man's pockets - a good idea - while Niko kept a lookout for...well...anybody. Nothing yet, but the clock was ticking. When he pulled out a cellphone and offered it to him, he took it. [color=92278f]"I'm not bad, but I know someone who's better. [i]Alot[/i] better. I'll explain on the way."[/color] He pocketed the businessman's cellphone and, in short order, pulled out his own to get both a bearing on the nearest airport, check the time, and then started to make a call. He was already in motion to get moving towards said airport by the time the call went through. Han would probably then hear what sounded like an automated phone directory picking up. It would be a bit muffled, though, since they were now picking through the busy streets of the city. Niko had chosen a route of visibility to deter further brazen attacks on their person. He said the name [color=92278f]"Mirai Saito, please."[/color], and then was put [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ebf9PiGZFo]on hold[/url] for a moment. [color=92278f]"C'mon... She usually works the late hours... Ah! Mirai! Hello! Listen, could I ask you for a favor, one that I will definitely pay you back on? ...no, it's not about the bike. Okay, so here's the deal. I'm in Hong Kong and I need a [i]good[/i] jet out of here, two to West City, pronto."[/color] There was a pause as the female voice was clearly pointing out that last-minute stuff like this was [i]never[/i] easy to pull off. [color=92278f]"I know you can do it. Nothing fancy about the accommodations. Just speed. I've got a job that needs the very best, and you're on my short list. It's...it's to do with my folks, Mirai. Please."[/color] There was another pause, as a much more chill voice seemed to give their ascent. [color=92278f]"Thank you. I'll make sure to buy some Capsules while I'm there."[/color] He put the phone away, never stopping but glancing Wu's way to explain. [color=92278f]"I have a friend in Capsule Corp. She works at the central office in West City, so that's where we're going to get this thing cracked open. We should have a plane to get there by the time we reach the airport. We can probably get all the evidence we need, or get pointed in the right direction, once she has a few minutes alone with the guy's cell."[/color]