Hi there! My name is Percy, and I'm super stoked to get to know some of you terribly talented writers! I've been away from the scene for almost two years, but with the current state of the world I figure now's as good a time as any to get back into writing with others. To kick this thread off I'll let you in on a bit about me. I'm an avid reader, a podcast producer, a playwright and theatre professional, and a giant nerd. I adore some thoughtful sci-fi and fantasy, I'm a sucker for world building, and I can't say no to a good romantic subplot (I am a guiltless romantic, oops). Outside of these dweebish bouts I'm into AU's, original stories, realism/slice of life, period pieces, and survival stories too. I just like storytelling and getting to put my creative drive to work. If you've got ideas you just want to shout into the void about, I am making the void of my inbox available for that exact service. I'll even make enthusiastic sounds in return! Anywho, all this to say that I'd love to talk with you guys, get to know ya, and write up some cool stories. Thanks for reading! I hope we can write soon. c: