[@PaulHaynek] "Wait, what?!" Ibon sprang up at the answer. "A corpse at best?! What abomination are you talking about?" The Medic Operator demanded from Medivac and Radiant. "What happened with you two on the tractor? And you didn't answer Wu's question on what happened to the woman you're carrying." It seemed the party was not going anywhere until Ibon had her answers. "She just got up, pushed me down and ran into the woods when I tried to get her to answer some questions. Was holding really tightly to this key too. Where she went, your guess is as good as mine." Radiant replied with a sigh. "By the time I realized what happened, she was long gone. Couldn't risk chasing after her and split us up even more." Radiant paused to consider her next line. Should she mention the visions she saw from the key? She frowned; Ibun's nervous demeanor would probably not take it too well. Best to leave that out. "From what we gathered over at the tractor with that infected boy, the villager believes Hanuska gave birth to a demon. Her husband was killed, her house was burned down, and her newborn was thrown down the well. And given the state of the burned house, I'd say it happened not too long ago. So, either the village are raving lunatics harming innocents, or they were justified in their horrific actions." Radiant shook her head. Such acts of violence were not unfamiliar to her but it still rolled her stomach at times. A tired Wu was the next to speak. "I'm not sure if you guys want to head to the main village. I mean, it's alright if you're not Infected like Zasada but if you are, then it smells bad. Really bad, like something's rotting for days. We've heard from a local source that it's what's keeping the the forest's evil away... and I guess Originium." He explained. "The locals call it the 'Miasma'. Supposedly, it comes from the mayor's mansion. Zasada's there right now talking to the town mayor." "Ah, you haven't met Zasada yet, haven't you? She's an Ursus and works as a researcher." Wu said. "I'm pretty sure you've heard of her. She's pretty infamous in Haynek Institute." Medivac was intrigued by this 'miasma'. "What a coincidence, the well we are looking for just so happens to be near the mayor's house. This warrants an investigation don't you think? While we are there, we can also look for a certain Mr. Jan for a key. Zasada is there too? I think it would be prudent to meet up with Zasada, we can share information with each other." Radiant looked back at the chicken house. The stench couldn't be worst than the stench at the main village, right? "Gotta wonder how our locked up lady is handling this," she thought to herself. She turned in the direction of the two tired operatives. "By the way Wu and Ibun, what were you and the others coming here for? Did you have an objective here? I don't recall the reason if you did give one." --------- About Zasada's relation ship with Radiant and Medivac, I'll write about that after this post. I don't know how close they are yet.