[@deia876lat] I actually think that might be the movie they are from now that you mention it lol. Anyways, I was actually wondering the societal mental state of the Viemese. Are they like hydra minded or more like Nazi Germany where they fought for patriotism rather than belief that theirs is the right to rule? Also, it makes sense regarding the affinity. I guess that your soul would naturally cast the type of magic that your Will prefers. Makes sense that Arn would seek to control a world that had culminated with the death of his mother. Science, is a sort of no feelings sort of art but one that is full of wonder depending on perspective. His manipulation of the Aether is very calculated but the things he is able to accomplish would seem flashy or even artistic to any onlooker. How did Tyrhallan learn sword fighting? A school or tutor? I am assuming that it was sort of like Aria Stark with the best swordsman in the form be the personal tutor no?