[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200828/719c60d5204f53e72280223df123f335.png[/img][/center] [color=#D1D0CE]Moonseeker followed Eclipse somewhat into the forest, making sure to brush away any dripping fronds that had dipped towards her muzzle. How dragons could live in such a wet place, she didn't know. Didn't they want to be dry sometimes? She knew that the rainforest had dry spells, but those were rare. Perking up as she saw Eclipse waiting for her, she trodded a few steps forward. Her legs felt like they were filled with rocks and her heart was racing so fast that she swore that it was going to burst out of her chest. [color=614051][b]"I-I'm fine,"[/b][/color] she stammered out at his question. [color=614051][b]"It's just that..."[/b][/color] Three moons, how was she going to tell him her secret? He was bound to find out eventually, and that would only cause more issues for her. Keeping secrets wasn't a smart move around these dragons, especially with Skua and Aardwolf around. [color=614051][b]"I... have something important to tell you. But please, don't be angry with me."[/b][/color] She begged as she ducked her head low. [color=614051][b]"Promise?"[/b][/color] [/color]