Daphne hugged Fae tightly, having to be relieved herself that she was safe. Looking back up at the drone, she took a moment to realize that maybe she was wrong; that the red-head shouldn't have put Fae's interests second. Judging by her cries, Daphne owed her an apology. "It's okay", she managed to say, after a moment of thought. "I'm okay", she added, shortly before she caught something in her line of sight behind her cousin. It seemed to be a stand, with a [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/shared-crossovers/images/a/a5/The_Daemon_Ritus_at_Being_Fully_Opened.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200917143522]small pyramid[/url], sitting on the top. "Hey", she said softly to the girl, tapping her back. Once she retracted, she wiped the tears off of her cousin's face, before cautiously approaching the strange object. By the time she got in front of it, the red head carefully placed her hand on the sides, and lifted it from the stand. "What is it?", Daphne questioned, shortly before a loud alarm went off. "Let's go!", she didn't bother to figure out where it was coming from, since she immediately took Fae's hand, with the small pyramid in her other hand. "Daph's with her", Maggie said, having to place her hands on the other woman's forearms, in order to reassure her best friend. "She should be okay. At least I hope", Fae had to be safe in her cousin's presence, right? Judging by how they were standing, they were pretty close together, although it was Shaggy's voice that cut into the tension. "Hey", he said to everyone in the room; his head sticking into another part of the room. Maggie broke eye contact with Dianna, and looked over to see her brother and Scooby already on their feet. Taking the other woman's hand, the female Rogers wasn't too far behind her brother, having to see a kitchen-modeled set, in the next room, behind a curtain. Why would something like this be right next to a ride? In the same building? "Now, [i]this[/i] is weird", she commented, as she stepped further in, and looked around. Running her hand on the kitchen-cabinet's surface, so many questions went through her mind. However, before she could say anything, a loud alarm surrounded them. Only one thought came to mind. “Skedaddle!”, Shaggy declared, not hesitating to run out, with Scooby having to willingly follow suit. Were they caught? Maggie didn't want to wait around to find out. Just as both groups managed to get back into the hallway, they found Fred and Velma attempting to leave, as well. “Hey! We found a very interesting clue”, Daphne told them, just as she and Fae appeared, and held the mysterious object carefully in her hands. “Us too. We believe that this is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult”, Velma shared with a smile. “And maybe this is the artifact-thingy that they worship”, it was great to see the gang seemingly cooperate with each other. It was as if the old days never left, and that the shifting had never existed. “Let’s get out of here”, Maggie said to all of them, having to get out of the building through the closest exit.