[h1]Tar 'Mdalak[/h1] [hr] Tar growled and let go of the grey Spartan’s arm. She felt slightly embarrassed for having not realised she may have been hurting the Human. She quickly rose to her feet and looked at the older, shorter Sangheili in red armour who was apparently addressing her. He was asking her if she wanted to fight with them. Tar briefly took in the aerial battle raging around the perimeter of the installation, with an asymmetric space battle wrapping up above, and made her choice. “I can fight. Tar ‘Mdalak, Special Operations. Reporting for duty.” Tar pushed past the Elite in red armour and took a knee on the edge of the group, facing the ramp into the heart of the installation. She half raised her pistol and quickly scanned for any signs of lingering combatants. “We should get inside. We’re too exposed out here.” Tar recommended. She remembered from the half briefing she'd received on the mission that they were after a high-value target. Inside the structure was almost certainly where they'd be hiding.