[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZUyIONF.png[/img] [@rabidporcupine][@canaryrose][@DarkRecon][@canaryrose][@Zoey Boey][@DClassified][@Hitman][/center] Rumi had hoped to make some quick repairs, but it seemed the elevator had finally arrived. Rumi had the OMNI retract its tools and readied it for analysis so he could determine his course of action. Cora sprang into action and Rumi activated Overclock, examining the area. Jamie and Joseph were down, presumably by the villain here. Alien Angel was also around, though knocked aside. Believing Cora could handle Winterfell on her own for the time being, Rumi turned off Overclock as the OMNI began to make its way toward the trio, as they needed the most support. Once he was there, he began to hear a strange sound, namely that of an engine. Turning toward the general direction of the sound, Rumi was on guard, but even he did not expect a boat to come crashing through the wall. Rumi had the OMNI dropped down in surprise as the boat sailed over the group and toward Winterfell, who managed to deal with the incoming vehicle and made his escape. Rumi's first instinct was to chase Winterfell down, but quickly decided against it. Many superpowered individuals had already been defeated by him, and Rumi wasn't willing to bet the OMNI would fare any better. Besides, said individuals were in need of medical treatment. While Rumi was well-versed in medical treatment, he barely even dabbled in actually administering it, and all he had to work with were the gadgets within his body and a pair of first-aid kits. Fortunately, Rumi had expected injuries to occur, so the OMNI came prepared. "[color=silver]As a matter of fact, I do,[/color]" Rumi responded to Cora as the nanobots composing the OMNI shifted for a few seconds, and it dispensed a Medpack, a large ice pack with red packaging and a white cross on it. Of course, it was no ordinary ice pack. Inside each piece of ice contained a crystal that held a small amount of healing energy that laid dormant as long as it remained undisturbed. He was ashamed to say that he did not invent this particular piece of medicine, but it was still patented and owned by Polamor Inc, and he could not deny its usefulness. The OMNI placed it on the ground and proceeded to punch it a few times, which activated the crystals. He then placed it on Joseph's chest and it began to heal him, any small wounds slowly closing and his complexion improving slightly. "[color=silver]This Medpack should stabilize his condition, but it won't do much more than that,[/color]" Rumi said. "[color=silver]He'll need some proper rest if he's going to fully recover.[/color]" With that out of the way, Rumi turned to examine Jamie, who was being treated by Pandora. Eavesdropping on a bit of the conversation, Rumi could tell this Pandora was here to help. He sighed as he remarked, "[color=silver]I've been meaning to give these guys some actual armor, but I hardly get a chance to meet with them outside work.[/color]"