[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UoOo9Tq.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200712/6abf315930f46f3462d7fab75196b0db.png[/img] [@hatakekuro][/center] [color=DDDCE1]"I..guess so? I just thought that Ria seemed tired so a break might've been good for her."[/color] Akemi didn't really know the older girl all too well, but ever since the mission at Era Ria seemed a little....different? Off? Akemi had put it down to exhaustion, she had taken quite the beating from the Thunder Palace after all. Ria even said she was still suffering some lingering effects, so the girl hadn't given it much thought since. But even so, Akemi knew first hand that Ria ran around a lot doing things for others, so that must be tiring...or at least just the thought of it was tiring for the sickly girl. The mention of the gardens being open caught her attention, snapping her out of her mini train of thought, sitting up a little straighter on her stool. She had seen photos and cards of the Royal Palace gardens. Since she had her movement outside greatly restricted back home, for some reasons outside hers or others control and other reasons less so, so spent a lot of time with her grandmother gardening. Plants always fascinated the girl, though she was often scolded for picking the flowers. They were just so pretty that she couldn't help herself, yet so fragile at the same time... [color=DDDCE1]"The gardens sound nice...are they as pretty as the pictures make them out to be? Or as large? Maybe we could try a few games on the way there?"[/color] The options were endless really, and honestly making any form of concrete plan with Akemi was useless. She would just get distracted and go off course. [color=DDDCE1]"Hmm I wonder what kind of food there is as well...[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Feg0Ws7.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200626/1bf27c8de8692e34a4dabea5b410504a.png[/img] [@samreaper][/center] [color=9C2E37]"It was just a harmless little joke Mr Isanami, no need to be so serious as I meant no harm. Although I'm sure there are such paranoid individuals, not everyone so easily believes in such a common trope in stories."[/color] Covering her mouth to suppress her barely hidden laughter at his reaction to her hood comment, she would be more than glad to satisfy whatever questions he may ask along the way. Well, to what she could answer anyway. A little chatter to help break the ice, and his reactions and comments to her answers would also help her gleam insight into his own mindset and culture. And they had a fair way to travel, and thus a long time to chat and learn from one another. [color=9C2E37]"Mr Isanami."[/color] At his question of the royal family, Alina actually let out a sigh. [color=9C2E37]"I'm sure you've noticed by now...but humans need little reason to celebrate. While I'm sure there are many who are genuinely excited for the prince, there are probably just as many or more who simply use this as an excuse to unwind, relax and catch up with friends and family. An excuse to drink, eat and party? I believe you'll find the common folk, even the rich, royals and nobles, are more than eager to accept. Though they're not exactly the most common, I wouldn't say they're uncommon, which is another reason why the people are excited."[/color] Analysing the faces of those they passed, she paid basically no one any heed thereafter as she seemed to take in the countryside around them. [color=9C2E37]"These celebrations also are used to satisfy the masses, not that anyone is particularly unhappy with the current rulers or anything. But it does help keep relations good, for any ruler should know a good rapport with the public is key to a good ruler. Though I personally cannot say I've met the King or Queen and thus cannot really judge their character, but from my experience they seem to treat us citizens right...for the most part at least."[/color] Despite her gentle tone, and seemingly eager nature to give a detailed answer to Menzai....honestly Alina didn't care at all. Not about the festival, not about the Royals, and especially not about the filthy peasants they passed. The only reason she bothered even sparing some of them glances as they passed was to assess if they seemed useful or perhaps may be a threat lurking to strike. Though she had yet to see anyone who fell into either category, she knew that lowering her guard for even a moment could spell her doom in numerous forms. Her mind always a constant hive of activity, whether it be analysing new information or simply just her own thoughts. [color=9C2E37]"No ruler is perfect after all, so I'm sure they've made a mistake here and there. It's a flaw that makes humans, well, humans."[/color]