[center][color=silver][h2]Mizo Aberashi[/h2][/color] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.g1QKqad_UEwDD-kErf9sUwAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img][/center] Being sapped of her speed from moving at nearly 140 mph to a screaming halt, Mizo was a little wobbly standing behind Mei, but she had a surprisingly respectful smile on her face. Mizo got beat by a quirk that allowed her opponent to drain momentum, and she caught Mizo just in time before she got blown through like a cannon. Mizo had her black and white helmet under one arm, which matched the color scheme of her entire tactical armor set. She looked dizzy as she stood among the rest of her friends, oddly upbeat for someone who got folded like a lawn chair before she could do anything. Was she [i]laughing?[/i] [color=silver]"Oh yeah, that was wild alright, that girl has an awesome quirk! Woah- Hah, I could've beat her if I was a little quicker, no trouble though. I'll get her next time!"[/color] Mizo had an aggressive and prideful energy to her, she didn't take defeat lightly, but she was also pretty confident in herself, so she took solace in knowing there was a damn good quirk out there to match her own. She was the tallest among them and stood behind Mei like a shaky pillar of dignity and positivity in the face of defeat. [color=silver]"Zeal's agency? Sounds good to me."[/color] Mizo never picked an internship, but Mei's father was the best of the best, so she wasn't about to refuse a chance to intern under Zeal himself.