[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201111/bae5b9c4cd17328c5545d760510eb393.png[/img][/Center] [Right]Featuring: [/Right] [hr] To Ting, the Arcanine stood several times taller than him. Granted, just about everybody else stood taller than him. He was only a foot and a half tall anyways. If he wasn't so used to seeing other big pokemon during his job as a miner and construction worker, he might've been a little intimidated. According to Scorch, they were supposed to all be adults. Well, he wasn't exactly a child, but he was only barely an adult by most people's standards. [i][color=#C0C0C0]"Well, sorry to say but I think this is the best you're going to get. Besides, being younger just means we have more time to learn and gain experience."[/color][/i] Unfortunately, his little comment probably ended up getting overshadowed by the others' loud antics. Something about kissing ass? The Litten certainly seemed into it. Perhaps silence would suit him better. Perhaps he'd blend into the crowd better if kept his mouth shut. Getting noticed was the best way to get dragged into unnecessary drama. Maybe things would resolve themselves if he just waited. Ting tried his best to walk to the edge of the crowd unnoticed, hoping nobody would try and stop him. The Sylveon was probably his biggest obstacle for staying anonymous. She wasn't in on the whole argument that seemed to be rising, yet she seemed aloof enough that he might not even be paying attention. Granted, it could all just be an act, and she might be significantly more perceptive than she lets on, perhaps as a way of keeping attention away from her, and to seem inconspicuous. Ting wasn't exactly all about that, and his bright orange cloth wrapped around him kind of naturally drew attention to him. A small price to pay to hide his past.