[img]https://i.imgur.com/lWLDt0d.png[/img] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent]Hiro nodded when Bakuto turned down the orange. [b][color=#C1E4D5]"No worries. I've got more food and some water here, so let me know if you need any."[/color][/b] He wasted no further time and began enjoying one of the oranges, eating carefully to avoid covering his face and hands in the sticky sweet juice. He looked up from his snack as a pair of jonin appeared, and considering the large group of genin gathering at the gates, it was easy to assume they were two leaders and the squads would be separated and organized. He tossed the orange peel in a paper bag in his pack and stood at attention as the two jonin began to introduce themselves. One seemed infinitely more stern than the other, and Hiro couldn't help the feeling of relief that washed over him when he learned that the more laid back jonin was his sensei. He mentally checked himself for this assumption as another genin arrived, a nice-looking... ah, person? Hiro couldn't guess the gender of this arrival, but nonetheless they seemed like a kind enough person. However, the final arrival didn't make so great an impression. A silver-haired ninja apparently from the Cloud village appeared, loudly commenting on the gathering of young shinobi. Hiro stood and dusted off the seat of his pants, choosing not to be bothered by the Kumo-nin's initial comments. He expressed some concern over sending this many shinobi to his home village before introducing himself as Tenshi Hokori. Hiro shot Bakuto a puzzled look before stepping forward. [b][color=#C1E4D5]"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mizuraki-sensei, Ichika-sensei, and Tenshi-san."[/color][/b] He bowed politely to the both of them. [b][color=#C1E4D5]"I'm Kazeyuurei Hiro, and even though I may be on the younger side, I'll do my best."[/color][/b] The age comment was mostly to reassure Tenshi. He stepped back to where he was standing previously, self-conscious about having spoken in front of so many people.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]