"Command," Katiya mused as the started down the wall, keeping in the shadows of it as the sun sank below the horizon. The cries of rage and the screams of enemy wounded faded behind them. It pricked her soul to leave, while there were enemies standing and possibly, though unlikely, Arbities still alive in the ruin of their headquarters. If that were true the best thing she could do for them was to leave the area, give the mob a chance to fizzle out. "It is not a Commissar's duty to command," she told Connors as they reached a small stone wall which ran out from the larger one. She nodded at the soldier who made a stirrup of his hands and boosted her up, she caught the top of the wall and scanned the far side of a moment for danger. It seemed to be a mix of habs and small businesses, but after the bomb blast and the gunfire people were keeping themselves inside, she pivoted and reached a gloved hand down for Connors who took it and leaped upwards, she let herself fall off the far side, her weight lifting the trooper up while his mass slowed her own decent. "I am here only to advise, and right now, I advise that you follow me," she told him with a wintery Valhallan smile. The moved forward through the gathering darkness, sticking close to the wall to conceal themselves in its shadows. After a few hundred meters they came to a wide boulevard and Katiya waved Connors to a stop. A throng of people was marching down the boulevard towards the school. White robed ministorum priests were in the lead swinging censors, behind them came burly miners and manufactorum workers, holding banners aloft. The banners read: Him on Terra, Not Her in the Palace, and other protests against the governor. One of them was a fairly artistic rendering of the governor drinking the blood of a pale miner who had already been drained. Behind them followed a crowd chanting and holding torches aloft. Katiya flattened herself against the wall pleased for her dark coat to conceal her from view. "It is going to be hard to get back to the school with this lot blocking the streets," Katiya said to Connors, the distant roar of other crowds could be heard, assuring her that it wasn't the only rally out in the streets tonight. There was a sense of wrongness about it that nagged at her.