Jewel chuckled, an evil glint in her eye that Carver had never seen there before. "I didn't say [i]you[/i] were allowing them to cause trouble in here, Jack. In case anyone besides my husband has forgotten, this is [i]my[/i] property as well." Carver's mechanical eyes widened. So did his grin. He started cackling in a rather skilled rendition of Jack on a 'new and shiny stuff' high. "Best get to it, Dad! It's only a matter of time before I start telling them where your particularly restricted items are kept!" He cackled again, flopping onto his back. "I can't [i]wait[/i] to see what happens when five gallons of magnified iron shavings gets chucked into an electrical vortex!" "NO! That would result in a catastrophic-- What did you do to my chair?!" Finkelstein twisted about in his seat, trying to figure out why he wasn't rolling down the ramp to chase the trio away from his machines. The motor sound shifted from a struggling hum to an outright grinding racket as he shoved the joystick forward several times. "You're not going anywhere until you get Carver out of that body," Jewel purred. "That little trick Carver pulled to escape after your last maintenance check left me with a pretty useful idea." The pumpkin creature rolled onto his stomach to peek over the edge of the table at the wheelchair. When he saw one of the detached table straps wedged into the spokes of one of the wheels, he fell into a fit of laughter that sent him tumbling off the table altogether.