[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201111/ff98a20c4b483dca4521374c36ce8661.png[/img] Blue furrowed his brow in frustration. He hadn't come here for sweetbread, or to have a conversation with his new guild buddies. No, he came to see if this place was up to scratch with what everyone says. He wanted to see if this was a place where he could make something of himself. Now that he was here all that mangy excuse of a leader could muster was 'I wanted adult recruits'? This wouldn't do, Blue was just about reaching that age anyway and he was going to be turned down? Blue, who had previously been hanging in the back, made his way up toward the front. He got within a distance to look confrontational with Scorch but not to close that the height difference between the two would be apparent. [color=0054a6]"I don't know about these other lot, but almost an adult and I can certainly fight like one mate. Looking around it doesn't look like you got much of a choice anyway. It looks pretty empty for a guild, don't it?"[/color] That was a bold lie, Blue had never stepped in a guild but he went on as if that worked. [color=0054a6]"You don't look in too good of a shape either. But hey mate, if you don't need the help, I'll leave. No skin of my back."[/color] Instead of immediately leaving the Croagunk stood there, not really able to move. He wasn't under some sort of paralysis, but it was as if there was a massive disconnect between what he was saying and what he really wanted. [/center]