Ysaryn was easy to find, out on her nightly patrol of the docks to ensure all the tasks were done and ready for the retrieval the next morning. One of her female's pointed toward Kire as she approached, and Ysaryn broke away to meet her. "Well met." She greeted, and, as Kire passed along Ed's message, the elf nodded. She'd make a note to meet him at the gate, to ensure no unfortunate meetings with her family. Ruli was in Kire's house, loitering in the sitting room, lost in his thoughts about the vision. He still couldn't remember. He knew, subconsciously, that it had been important, and wondered if he was being prevented from remembering. When he heard the door open, he looked up, offering a small smile to Kire. "How was Daryll?" He wondered. Perhaps if Daryll had luck, Ruli would find some way to imrpove his own.