[table][row][cell][color=#FA8C55]Location: Training ground 17[/color][/cell][cell][color=#FA8C55]Lumika Suto[/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [color=#2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][img]https://i.imgur.com/ajeyMyN.png[/img] [/center][/cell][cell]Embarassment was not in short supply for Lumika, she just tumbleweeded herself into a training dummy and then she smelled like lavender covered in ash, and to top it all off she just did that in front of someone of the uchiha clan. she didn't know a lot about them but she did know they were a big deal. [color=#FA8C55]"I was trying to help you. I would say my mission was successful."[/color] Lumika said crossing her arms trying to play off her mistake and hide her blushing cheeks as much as she could, while still on the ground. Lumika hiked her legs up and flipped herself back to her feet without using her hands, her arms still crossed. [color=#FA8C55]"Ooo you like training!? me too, I've been out here for hours practicing some moves. Then I heard your jutsu and I thought you were in trouble from the ferocity of your attacks!"[/color] Lumika said uncrossing her arms showing visible excitement as she pantomimed the whole situation. [color=#FA8C55]"Hi Kimi Uchiha, I am Lumika Suto from Sunagakure! you can just call me Lumika, I think its easier, what would you both prefer I call you?"[/color] Lumika quickly changes subject realizing she forgot to acknowledge Kimi's introduction and return the greeting due to her earlier excitement. [color=#FA8C55]"I can't wait for us all to train together!"[/color] Lumika said with a big Suto grin and a shining thumbs up. [/cell][/row][/table][right][img]https://i.imgur.com/1Dd0gCn.png[/img][/right]