[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200220/ffa3af39087a97526859562dbebeccb2.png[/img][/center] [color=FC8686]“You ran a clinic? I would have never guessed; I thought you needed years of specialized training to run a medical facility and I thought everyone was pretty much the same age. You must be talented.”[/color] Maddie wouldn’t lie that she was shocked. She couldn’t imagine going in for a consultation and discovering her doctor was barely older than her. But he must be a prodigy or something if he managed that feat. [color=FC8686]“I would have just helped the family business. I have a pretty solid background in math and I was thinking about pursuing finances so when my mom decided to retire, I could take her place. Otherwise, I just waited tables and knit hats and gloves on the side. Nothing so important as a clinic.”[/color] Maddie bit back a laugh at Lilie’s [i]viciousness[/i]. Clearly it was unintentional and from what she’d see of Max so far, he’d probably like that response but still it was like a punch to the gut for most people. “Why ruin a good thing?” Absolute gold. Lilie seemed like the type to like everyone, make friends with anything that was even remotely sentient, but apparently Max’s gruffness was her limit. She was a soft soul and Max was clearly the very opposite. Still if his vampire was important enough to be invited by Count Sinnenodel, then she may as well get to know him a little more in case they were shoved into any other situations that required socialization. [color=FC8686]“And what about you, Max? What were your plans for the future if you hadn’t gotten sucked into all this magic stuff?”[/color]