[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yjyl2W8THDpaGLnPFFswROcp2AyGK9DqGLbw3Nayr_A/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] Joseph’s tags had been enough to keep Jamie conscious and alive. That was pretty much it. Otherwise, the pain in her gut overwhelmed her senses, the kind of pain where she wished she would fall unconscious just to get away from it. Jamie had had plenty of internal bleeding and broken bones before, but she had never been [i]shot[/i] or at least, close to it as in this case. It hurt. A lot. Which was why Jamie didn’t look over the plane to watch the fight. She could only listen. From what she could hear, it wasn’t going awesome. After a minute or two, Cora burst in. Her voice carried over the plane and into Jamie’s ears from the elevator, and Jamie smiled absently. Help was here! She could’ve taken care of him had he not shot her like a coward, though! But just then, the sound of a roaring motor filled the room and… [i]WHAM[/i]! As Jamie stared, shocked, a boat of all things burst in through the lobby doors, sailing through the air. [color=Goldenrod][i]A flying boat?![/i][/color] She barely had time to watch it soar over her before it audibly landed on the floor behind the plane. She let out a sigh. It seemed that more of their friends were here. She didn’t really pick up a lot, since she was unfocused and so, so tired… but it was enough to graph the situation. Joseph had lost, but their opponent had run. Cora, Rumi, Patricia, Alpha, Sam, and probably others were here. If only someone could come over here and fix her, then! But just then something rose from the water. Jamie squinted, vision fuzzy. Was that a person? It looked like it? A red-haired woman rose from the water… but only partially. Jamie watched, dazed and confused, as the woman-well, half a woman- walked through the concrete. Was she hallucinating? Although she sat, huddled, a bloody arm over her abdomen, her muscles still tensed to attack, albeit weakly. It would probably hurt, but Jamie would bet that she could take this woman out if she wanted to. There were few people she couldn’t. But the woman (who looked strangely familiar, now that Jamie squinted a bit harder) didn’t attack. She greeted her, actually. Her muscles relaxed, and Jamie flopped against the plane, relieved. Maybe this hallucination was friendly. [color=fdc68a]"Name's Pandora, think we've met. I've got healing powers, but they aren't pleasant. It's probably gonna hurt, unless you want me to stick my finger in your noggin and put you to sleep for an hour."[/color] [color=Goldenrod]“Huh?”[/color] Jamie cocked her head, still keeping a hand over her abdomen. [color=Goldenrod] “I’m Jamie,”[/color] she told her, voice sounding rather quiet. This healer had shown up out of nowhere. She listened as the woman rattled off a series of questions, barely able to keep her eyes open. It was all she could do to pay attention to Pandora talking. [color=fdc68a]"Answer my questions if you think it'll help you stay awake. But the main one is do you want my help or not? Like I said, it's gonna be gross and unpleasant."[/color] Jamie was in no position to say no to help. Her hands, abdomen, arms, and costume were covered in blood. Her face was pale and drawn. She wasn’t bleeding much anymore, but there was a visible hole in her stomach. [color=Goldenrod]“Sure, why not,”[/color] she muttered, and let her arm flop from her abdomen to reveal the hole. [color=Goldenrod] “Can’t be much worse than getting shot.”[/color] She cracked a grin. [color=Goldenrod] “I don’t think it’s a bullet wound,”[/color] Jamie told her, trying to distract herself from what she was sure would hurt. [color=Goldenrod]“Not a bullet. Some ice shard. It was really cold, and then, like… well, it hurt. And as for my costume, I’m not sure? It’s supposed to have shock absorbers or something. Electric absorbers? Aren’t those the same thing? Yeah. I was supposed to get Rumi to work on them, but I guess I forgot...”[/color] Jamie clutched her own arm tight and shut her eyes as Pandora reached her arm out to heal her. This looked like it would hurt. [center][@ZoeyBoey][/center]