Here you are: [hider=Step Into the Ring] [b]Name:[/b] Arthur St. Anger [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Montreal, Canada [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 6'7” and weighing almost 300 pounds, Arthur is, though a little more portly than muscular nowadays, an imposing figure. His thick, short, burnt orange hair, while somewhat receded up top, is most splendid in his enormous walrus mustache, though his body hair is more than substantial. Laugh lines surround his dark brown eyes. Though partial to formal wear, when not on official business he tends to ditch the jacket and go for dark purple slacks with matching suspenders over an mustard Hawaiian shirt covered in different small animals. Black shoes and a black watch complete his average look [b]Personality:[/b] A pleasant man, strong-willed and confident, amicable to strangers and an unfailing ally to friends—Arthur St. Anger is someone hard to dismiss or ignore, especially given his general showiness and over-the-top, almost hammy behavior. Arthur is, however, more than a big goof. While his smiling heart is by no means a mere facade, he does harbor a less visible side; he is pragmatic, wanting to be in control at all times, and sports very few compunctions about doing what he feels is necessary, though his overriding principles are good. For instance, he believes murder is wrong, but if someone were to attack him or his family, he would have no qualms about shooting such an individual first and asking questions later. As such, it can be said that he is both intelligent and instinctual, a man unafraid to stand up and fight for what he believes in, but more than content to be a lovable spectacle most of the time [b]Backstory[/b] Born in the city of Montreal, Canada, Arthur suffered a troubled childhood. The commonplace absence of his mother, an indulgent woman who fancied herself part of a society significantly higher than her household's wealth would imply, meant that his overworked father couldn't spare much time for his son. Ostracized at school for his size, Arthur got into his fair share of fights, more than often losing them due to his slow speed and then taking all the blame. Things looked dark for him until he found an idol, shining in the dark—underground wrestling. Awed by the pillars of masculinity who battled in events of incredible strength and tenacity, telling sagas of heroic faces and devious heels, Arthur devoted himself to the idea of becoming a wrestler. Before long, he felt that he found a place where he belonged. Gaining friend after friend from his experiences, he trained his physique along with his skills. The tenets of wrestling seeped into his normal life, turning his aspirations toward excellence in order to rise above all that would put him down. His redoubled his effort in school, and things turned for the better. He was determined to do it all wearing a smile, only wavering in the depressing period during which his parents divorced. After graduating school, he split his focus between a warehouse job and wrestling, working at both until he could enter both a local wrestling league and attend university. Though things were difficult, he never ceased in his struggle. During his time at school, working on a degree in business, he became acquainted with a certain Bree Selvick, and natural chemistry between the two bloomed into a good relationship. Years later, in his crowning moment, Arthur stood in the spotlight with the local champion's belt around his waist and his fiancee cheering him on. After that, the years trudged by. Arthur's burning spirit cooled, though he continued to wrestle alongside his labor as a salesman. Eventually Bree gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl that she and her husband named Seth and Aster. After a while, however, things settled down, and gradually Arthur began to grow dissatisfied. He felt as though he'd fallen into a rut, and yearned for something different, or perhaps something forgotten: the glory of his earlier days. He used some of his leverage in the industry to look into various venues of wrestling, visiting different places across Canada and the United States in search of thrilling novelty. It was in this manner that he stumbled onto something utterly abnormal. To this day Arthur can scarcely recall what happened in a remote part of St. Louis, but he can remember glimpses of a hidden ring, a frigid cell, a kaleidoscopic light in his mind, a rock-hard being with a giant ring, and a tattooed man standing before a great clockwork insect. As far as he knows, it might have just been a nightmare, but he cannot question its repercussions. Since that hazy day he has never been alone, accompanied by a jet-black pugilist that nobody else can see, coming and going at his beck and call to accomplish incredible things. Just as he wished, his life did get more interesting; every so often, whether as Arthur the businessman or Saint Anger the wrestler, he happened upon someone else harboring a hidden side not unlike his own, commanding powers as variable as they were strange. Some encounters ended in anticlimax, truce, or even friendship, but many ended in violence, forcing Arthur to take measures to protect himself and his family. Drifting away from the wrestling world, he works to strengthen his own abilities, knowledge and expertise. But his number-one priority never did change: to protect and care for his family. [b]Stand Name:[/b]『Cut-Out Shapes』 [center][img],h_718,q_75,strp/ringwrestler_by_blueroguevyse_d6zaf8u-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03MTgiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC81NmQ3N2M5Mi04Y2Q4LTQxNTAtODQwMy0zYmVlNmQ0NDI2ODlcL2Q2emFmOHUtYmEwYWE0N2QtOTFjMS00ZTRiLTk4YmItZjNiNDM3NjYyNmQ0LmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.X8RLkvxwdWTD0C_hQZAU5SBefgKmvaButa0yGDbXIKk[/img][/center] [b]Effect and Use:[/b] The stand's ability, Give Me Everything, utilizes its giant keyring, which it can control remotely. The keyring itself can be used to strike with, and anything it destroys (the 'resource') can be absorbed into the ring and used to generate a new 'key' on the ring. These keys take the form of additional arms crafted from the resource, the 'hands' of which specialize in the function of the resource if applicable. For instance, if Cut-Out Shapes destroyed a knife, it could grow an edge-spined handle arm with a knife blade at the end. If a chair was destroyed, it could grow a wooden-and-cushion arm with a chair on the end. Keys have their constituent resources' duration and strength, and can be destroyed or worn out from use, but they remain indefinitely otherwise. The ring can hold a maximum of five keys. Keys can be discarded or replaced as needed. Using the ring on Cut-Out Shapes' arms does not damage the user, and can detach the stand's arms for remote work. If the ring leaves the line of sight of the user or the stand, it floats uselessly until destroyed or recovered. If the ring is broken, all keys will be lost and a number of the user's bones broken, but the ring will reappear on the stand's back [b]Stats[/b] Power: B – The stand commands quite respectable stopping power, lift weight, carry weight, and so forth Speed: C – Cut-Out Shapes can be called neither really fast nor really slow. It can hold its own, but can't keep up with enemies that specialize in speed Range: C – Under normal circumstances the stand has only the elbow room of a close-range power-type stand, but since its keyring can be controlled remotely, putting its arms on the keyring allows it to fight with and otherwise use them a couple hundred feet away from the main body, as long as line of sight is maintained Durability: C – Cut-Out Shapes can take a number of solid blows while fighting and withstand an admirable amount of strain, but its fortitude does not exceed peak human standards by a noteworthy amount. Its exterior is smooth, rigid, hard, and mostly curved, pretty resistant to cutting but vulnerable to cracking when subjected to crushing force. Its ceramic hardness is capable of causing damage to things that strike it that themselves lack durability Precision: D – The stand is not very exacting or refined. It does not display its own intelligence or powers of observation, relying on direction from its user when operating. Any sort of finesse requires enough concentration and carefulness as to be less than feasible when under attack Development Potential: C – Most of the stand's potential comes from how its used, but there are a couple avenues of power progression available such as being able to copy rather than absorb resources and not having to destroy resources to use them [/hider]