[B]Real Life Name:[/B] Michael Fredricks [B]Soul Story Name:[/B] Orfei [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Weapon:[/B] Bow [B]Weapon Name:[/B] Siren’s Song [B]Class:[/B] Rogue - Players from this [I]Class[/I] are known for their [I]Discretion[/I] and their [I]Attack Accuracy[/I]. Their attacks do not rely on brute force, but on hitting the opponents' vital points and exploiting their weaknesses. They usually hit first, and from a distance. As a contrast, if these Players are drawn into direct, close-range combat, they are at a disadvantage. [B]Level:[/B] 1 (0/--) [B]Soul Attack:[/B] Phoenix Army – With Illusion Magic, Orfei alters the shape of an arrow to make it look like a flock of phoenix, engulfed in flames. But in actuality, It is only one precisely shot arrow that pierces the opponent’s weak point. [B]Avatar Appearance:[/B] [img=http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/5016/ypk7.png] [B]Complementary Description:[/B] Michael stands 177cm, has jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. Even though his physique leaves much to expect, he is adequately chubby and healthy. He sports a jaw beard, which is characteristic of him, and an oddly turned-up nose. In the game, Orfei’s clothing consists in a black and golden robe that goes down all the way from his shouders to his knees. Matching leather boots and gloves cover his legs and hands, respectively. [B]Personality:[/B] Both in the real world and the game world, Michael seems pretty average; he talks neither too much nor too little, he goes to college and has friends. However, he spends an unhealthy time on the computer when he's not studying or spending time with his family or friends. He goes to a lot of forums and is registered on a lot of social networks. He also has a blog, where he gives his view about daily life and other subjects. Michael has an eclectic taste, be it music, food, books, or television. Therefore, he has a wide variety of topics that he can use to talk to people and make the conversation interesting…That is, if they start the conversation, since Michael feels that he is interrupting people and thinks of him as a burden if he talks first to someone.