Kire smiled tiredly at his comment, but only for a moment. As he settled against her, bidding her to sleep, she nodded, closing her eyes and trying to ignore what she had just seen. But even with the comfort of Ruli’s warmth next to her, she couldn’t go back to sleep immediately. She stared up at the ceiling, piecing the nightmare together, even as the details started slipping from her grasp. The feeling of foreboding she felt from it was not all that different from the one that accompanied the vision in the forest. [i]It was a warning.[/i] She did eventually manage to sleep just before sunrise, and by the time she stirred again the sun was already up. Kire cursed softly when she woke, curling against Ruli with a groan, unwilling to get up. “Is it too much to ask the powers-that-be to not give me strange dreams after giving us weird, inexplicable visions?” she muttered against his shoulder. -- Ed smiled warmly at Ysaryn the moment he saw her, grinning at her observation about the way he must look. “[i]Good morning to you, too, milady.[/i]” At her comment about the forest, he shook his head, walking out of the gate chamber with her “[i]The forest may not be that bad, but I am worried about what else might come after.[/i]” He sighed, looking sidelong at her. “[i]And I worried about what you might think of me, after yesterday.[/i]”