[h3][center]Ya Boi Cyrus & Ya Thing Alter Ego[/center][/h3] [color=D1c2bf]”So this is the outside world…”[/color] Cyrus stepped outside with everyone else, ensuring that the other infinites were in stable condition He was tied with Shona for “last one out of the elevator.” Well, minus one last person. [color=D1c2bf]”Let me talk to him, I’ll be with the rest of you soon.”[/color] Cyrus walked back into the elevator, and looked at the once-proud man leaning against a railing like a drunken slob. [color=D1c2bf]”You’re still in there, right Alter Ego?”[/color] [color=00f000]”Yea...”[/color] they replied with a whimper. Cyrus snorted. [color=D1c2bf]”I’m not even sure how to address you. You may have their personality, but you’re not Alter Ego, you’re not Davis, I’m not even sure if you’re the person who kept us all locked up down there.”[/color] [color=00f000]”I am Alter Ego.”[/color] The man stood upright. [color=00f000]”I am a program, and I can be duplicated and installed over and over again. I have some things to take care of before I surrender this body.”[/color] Cyrus folded his arms. [color=D1c2bf]”Like?”[/color] “Davis” rubbed his eyes. [color=00f000]”This entire situation is going to be a PR nightmare for the infinity initiative. I need to make sure the right people take responsibility for what’s happened. Namely the angel investors, and myself.”[/color] He nodded. [color=00f000]”It’s going to come out one way or the other, so it might as well be from me. The world needs to know the truth. This was the work of a rouge AI who made several fatal errors and got in touch with some bad people. I will likely be partially or fully deleted. Infinity initiative will suffer as a whole, but such are the consequences of not learning from Hope’s Peak’s mistakes.”[/color] Cyrus nodded. [color=D1c2bf]”Well, that’s… responsible at least.”[/color] He tucked his hands into his pockets. [color=D1c2bf]”If there’s something I’ve learned through all this, it’s that the past doesn’t matter as much as you think it does. I think you need to consider the implications this will have for everyone moving forward. The people who helped you deserve to be punished, but if the hospital itself is innocent in all this…”[/color] Cyrus placed a hand on his head. [color=D1c2bf]”I haven’t been feeling like myself.”[/color] [color=00f000]”Like your character is being played by a different actor?”[/color] Alter Ego’s question went unanswered, so they asked a different one. [color=00f000]”What will you do with your freedom?”[/color] [color=D1c2bf]”The world needs good politicians, especially ones with a proper reality check.”[/color] Cyrus grinned. [color=D1c2bf]”Once I set the real Cyrus straight, I’ll see if I can enter the field. The world can always use good leaders.”[/color] [color=00f000]”You are well suited to the roll.”[/color] with a sigh, Davis slumped back down again.[color=00f000]”Thank you for the conversation, Cyrus. I hope you and the other infinites find success, but I wish to remain here a moment longer.”[/color] Cyrus turned to leave, but not without tossing Alter Ego a business card.