[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Things down here were really getting messy, weren't they? A lightning mage, the dead Baruksteadian's magic axe, the captain, liquified corpses... if she were to try and jump in now then it would go horrifically wrong. There simply wasn't enough practice at fighting in formation or as groups in the world to make sure everyone was safe when there were that many ally-threatening risks around, magical or stemming from simply having a big sword. It would also probably get their hostage killed, so why not do something about that first? Not making a big point of stealth, since it would only draw more attention away from the fighting, Tyaethe walked around the edge of the chamber, eyeing the prize and waiting in her head. It seemed that the lightning mage was going to cast something any second, so if she just waited for that or Maritza to swing the axe again, then... [i]go.[/i] The crucial flaw the conspirators had made in splitting up was in leaving a backline magic user as the one with the hostage. If it had been the burly warrior, then Tyaethe was sure this would have been impossible to pull off just because of how she would have been held. If it was Damon Cal, then he would have seen it coming just as well as she was able to pull it off. But a necromancer with one hand busy with his concoctions? He was frankly underequipped to even hold on to the Nem hostage, let alone react in time to the vampire that had sprinted with unnatural speed into his vision. The completely unexpected feel of plate armour stamping on your toes was also another way to make someone let go in a hurry. Having retreated with the retrieved hostage as quickly as she moved in, Tyaethe was left with the rather unenviable proposition of undoing these bindings whilst the remaining pair was dealt with. She should really learn to create a knife or something in the same vein as her armour, it would save so much time...