[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/681136503774380292/751179306201383123/CelestineToken1.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]Homecoming.[/h1][/center] [hr] It had been mere moments since Celestine had spoken with Thaa about the conflicts that she was having internally. But now she had a plan and most of the pieces needed to see it through. But now those pieces needed a place to exist. Celestine had promised that their needs would be met, and she had aims to see such a promise fulfilled. This required that her realm be modified once again. Sitting upon the throne overlooking The Longhall, Celestine extended her divine senses outward to look over her realm once again before beginning to modify it. The first thing she did was massively increase the size and complexity of The Bulwark, along with placing it atop a massive hill. The previously fairly modest castle was now massive. The most notable additions to the easily viewable exterior were an extraordinarily large horn and a massive empty platform at the back of the castle. The function of such an arrangement would be fairly obvious: If she wanted to summon a death dragon to speak with, this would be where and how she would do it. Aside from the platform the castle has had another important addition, though this addition is deliberately hidden from most easy viewing. Behind the hill is a massive tunnel that slopes downward until reaching a massive chamber beneath the castle. The entrance of this tunnel is guarded by a massive gate that opens automatically for either Celestine or a Death Dragon, but remains shut for all others. The chamber that the tunnel leads to is well lit by torches and chandeliers dotted around the area, but incredibly misty. Death energies from the portal within The Longhall are directed to flow down here, making this section of the realm remarkably similar to Thaa’s realm. This is intentional, because within this massive chamber are many dishes and other places where nests could be made. The intent is obvious: It is an egg chamber for the Death Dragons to reproduce. The towns that had previously dotted the area beyond the castle have all been relocated around it. They largely sit around the base of the hill, and give the passage to The Egg Chamber a wide berth to avoid any mishaps with arriving or leaving Death Dragons. The outer wall of the castle has been expanded to accommodate the massively increased population surrounding it. The wall was much taller and much thicker than before, most likely to better protect the town from the activities of the newest inhabitants of the realm. It would not do to have a pair of playing Death Dragons tumble across a city and flatten it. At the rear of the wall there is a gap to allow for easy access to the passage leading to The Egg Chamber. Beyond the castle and its surrounding town Celestine’s realm has been massively expanded and the biomes present have been immensely diversified. Now instead of being just a valley with a river Celestine’s realm possesses a mixture of flat plains, massive hills, mountains, valleys, and canyons. Plenty of places for the Death Dragons to amuse themselves and exercise. Within these various biomes Celestine has also massively increased the population of prey animals. She specifically picked large animals that would put up a good run in order to provide proper engagement for the Death Dragons. Horses, Moose, Elk, and some Bison and Cows for effective measure. These prey animals were also made to repopulate swiftly since Death Dragons were, as Celestine learned, quite big eaters. This was especially true since Celestine encouraged them to play and exercise themselves in order to keep themselves in shape. Beyond The Bulwark and within the valley that had previously housed the various scattered towns now lay hundreds of individually customized homes for the Death Dragons. Each one was made in a unique style expressed by the individual dragon. They were large enough to house two to three Death Dragons at any one time, and had massive beds for them to rest upon. One standard feature throughout all of them was a large and durable scratching post to rub off weak and dead scales with. The river that ran through the valley was also touched up and turned into a long stone-lined trough of flowing clear water. This water was also then modified to have a high metal content to support the health of their scales. At the end of the valley a large pool of water was placed. This water was also high in metal content as the river, but was kept separate to ensure no cross contamination. The stone lining of this pool was kept coarse and easy to grip for the water remained in a steady swirl. There were also nearby places for a Death Dragon to stretch themselves out and sun themselves. The intent of this area was to be a place for a Death Dragon to bathe themselves within the flowing water. Celestine had even informed them that if they so needed they could request a team of Virtus Elves to thoroughly scrub them down. Finally, Celestine turned her divine senses to the Virtus Elves. Their interactions with Death Dragons would be something that was going to reach deep into their society and so she sought to prepare them for such. Reaching into their essence, she strengthened their bodies resistance to falling from great heights and granted the ability to leap to those heights with relative ease. Once that was finished. Celestine pulled her divine senses back into herself and gave a sigh as she felt her divine power wane. Walking to her personal chambers and then out onto a balcony she gave a smile as she saw the Death Dragons and Virtus Elves beginning to mingle and interact. This was good. It would be needed for the future. They were going to be intertwined for a long time. It would be good for them to get used to one another's presence quickly. Returning to The Longhall and sitting down once more upon the throne that overlooked it, Celestine nodded to herself in silence and decided to try and rest a bit before doing too much else. [hider=Summary] Celestine has renovated her realm to better accommodate the Death Dragons that have followed her from Thaa’s realm. She has also given the Virtus Elves the ability to leap and fall great distances so that they can better harmonize with them.[/hider] [hider=MP/DP Sumamry.] Celestine begins with 4 MP / 5 DP. Celestine spends 2 MP to bestow Acrobatic to Virtus Elves . Celestien ends with 2 MP / 5 DP.[/hider]