Greetings, everybody! I have discovered this place thanks to friends, and so here I am now myself. I've been roleplaying for quite a chunk of my life, since it always appeared to me as a perfect combination of writing practice and some nice good fun to have whilst as well. When it comes to roleplaying, I tend to seek the stories and/or settings with the possibility of a heavy tension and impact between the characters and the world and events unraveling around them; without any heavy preference towards any specific setting to be honest. Though of course I have favorites - be it cyberpunk settings, or occult themed stories - I do tend to see roleplaying as a cooperative creativity event, and the motion of the process itself is enough to pick my interest as it is. The rest of my interests centered mostly around art - mostly literature, music, movies and video games. The usuals, so to say. xD Thank you for reading this, nice being here, and have a great time playing you all!