Magolor is a dimension hopper. Meaning he can travel from fandom to fandom with the help of his ship. Being Broke as can be, he trys to turn this ability into a business where characters can travel to another fandom.... little did he know that this last trip wont be a good one. Okay so i intend for the rift he uses to hop dimensions destabilize causing the ship to crash onto a planet leaving the party to fend for themselves and we will go from there. Or.... it could just be a hangout for characters and drama happens beteewn them that could potentially turn into the stuff above if everyone agrees. Honestly this can go how ever all of you want it to go the plot is under your control Looking for at least 4 people You can have up to three characters more if i aprove Character sheet Face claim goes here :) Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: (optional if you have a head to toe face claim) Clothing: (optional if you have a head to toe face claim) Original fandom: Skills/abilitys: Fears: Likes/Dislikes (optional) Personality: Anything they brought with them: The lor starcutter is about the size of a 2 story house you would see in your average neighborhood The Lor Starcutter [url=][img][/img][/url] Sorry its so small