The little creature chuckled. "Master yoda, I know! Close, he is!" He said as he stepped down from his perch and walked up to Adam and Kijani. He really was short. Like, almost a toddler, and it was hard for Adam to take him seriously. Still, he didn't want to be rude to this creature whatever he was. "Can you take us to him? We desperately need his help." Adam said. Who knows how long this being had been on Dagobah, or even if he had any knowledge of what was going on in the rest of the galaxy. "Help you, I will. But first, come to my home. Better food than you have brought, you will eat." The creature said as he pointed his stick into the swamp. Off in the distance, Adam could see what looked like a small hut made of clay and wood. As much as he wanted to press how badly they needed to find Master Yoda, the idea of any food better than their ration packs was very tempting. He turned to Kijani. "I think we can trust him, but you're the diplomat here. What do you think?"