I have finally finished. I do apologize for taking so long with this. My IC posts will not take as long. [hider=Maize][b]Name[/b]: Maize [b]Species[/b]: Saiyan [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/94/49/469449accf91e45ee33fa6678a1f45ae.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Maize is a warrior down to her core. Despite her age she's seen and faced a lot through her time under Frieza. She started off as a brash, arrogant, selfish kid who had the galaxy as her plaything to a more refined fighter capable of caring about others and going far to protect them. In battle she fights as an intelligent beast with a slight gentle nature. She focuses on everything her opponent does while also paying attention to the world around her, sometimes using it to her advantage. Outside of battle she enjoys eating and training, but also taking time to laugh with others. She stopped being so serious over the years and slowly found out that there was more to life than just destruction and civilized chaos. [b]Bio[/b]: Maize's story begins like many other Saiyans, in an incubating capsule helping her grow and testing her latent power. Her father was one of the rare middle class warriors so it was already believed she'd grow to be exceptional as well. Even if her mother was a member of the low class. Her power was developing nicely and her father sought an audience with King. He requested that when it was time for her first mission that she be sent on a solo mission to test her abilities and create a powerful asset for the Saiyans. King Vegeta, who had already wished to rebel against their Lords, saw this as an opportunity and agreed to it. When Maize was finally ready they sent her off to a bit of a distant planet. The people there were enough to give her a challenge, but she'd make quick work of them once the eventual full moon came. Fortunately for her, her scouter and pod weredestroyed during the mission and she was unable to receive the call by Frieza to come back to Planet Vegeta. So while the majority of her race was wiped out she was alive, but stuck on a planet with no way to contact home or anyone. Some time passed and she was eventually found by some Frieza soldiers scouting the area for planets or strong fighters since Frieza did wipe out his greatest force. They told her that her planet was destroyed by a meteor. The lie that Frieza gave his empire. He didn't care if anyone believed it. That was just going to be the official story. They neglected to tell her however that she wasn't the lone survivor. She was upset that her parents were gone, but refused to show weakness. Especially not in front of fellow soldiers. They brought her straight to Frieza and this was where her journey began. After being fed, allowed to rest and given new armor she was told that she'd soon be dispatched on a four month mission. Frieza noticed the potential in her power and saw this as a way to either nurture or crush it. If she managed to survive she could be useful as a member of his empire, he'd just have to keep a close eye on her. But if she died it meant one less Saiyan and that was something he was truly comfortable with. When they arrived on a frozen wasteland of a planet Frieza informed her this was the ancient home of his race. None lived there anymore, but there were strong, wild creatures who still claimed it as their own. She'd also have to get used to the seemingly eternal blizzard of snow as there was rarely any moment of relief. None of that seemed to bother her. Once she was given a month of rations she set off into the vast unknown. It took her about an hour to find an abandoned home that was surprisingly still in tact. She doubted she'd be there much, but it was a nice plan to return to and to keep her food. But now wasn't the time to rest. She stepped back into the blizzard and went to train. She spent the next three months essentially fighting for her life. Just as the predators of this planet would hunt their prey she'd do the same to them. She started off focusing on the animals that lived and acted alone. Studying their habits before she'd engage them in ferocious combat. Doing this kept her both fed and clothed well over the few months. She could even feel herself getting stronger with each engagement. Eventually though she started to move up to small packs building up her strength and confidence to face the group she had been avoiding the entire time. When the 4th month came things got really interesting. She took a day of rest, but something made her want to go out that night. She was glad that she did. The blizzard was still raging, but she looked up into the sky wondering which phase the moon was in. She had barely been able to see it during her time on the planet, but she knew the moon had yet to turn full. The cycles were strange on this planet. The sky wasn't really visible, but she could feel something changing inside her. She felt this same feeling on her first mission, only this time she didn't seem to be growing or getting any hairier. She was absorbing the blutz waves, but they weren't actively transforming her. Instead she entered a pseudo-state. One that unleashed a human Saiyan's inner beast. Her hair spiked up and she roared ferociously, the sound echoing across the snowy plains. Her instincts took over and she went off to face her biggest challenge to date, the large pack of beasts who may as well have been the beastly lords of this planet. She caught them at a moment where they were getting ready to sleep and this angered them. All, but the leader charged at her. She welcomed the challenge and the battle was on. Even in this state of hers she refused to kill her challengers. She wanted total domination of the pack and she couldn't do that with them all dead. One by one they fell to her power. This went on for three weeks straight. Neither side relenting and she was sure she was only being kept alive by the state she was in. Hunger no longer mattered to her and neither did shelter. All that mattered was fighting til total victory. When the rest of the pack fell the leader finally stepped up to the plate. It had watched Maize take down, but not kill its entire pack. She was intriguing. The battle lasted a day or two. She couldn't remember, it all seemed like a blur. She just knew that when it was all over they all welcomed her as not just one of their own, but as their alpha which she declined through a series of growls. She had no intention of staying. She knew Frieza would be coming for her soon. And soon he did. Frieza descended on the planet honing in on the location of her power. When she noticed his ship above her, her body finally reverted to her normal state. She got up from the side of the alpha's belly where she was comfortably resting. Part of her would miss them. Maybe she was more beast than she realized. Frieza was impressed upon arrival to see that she had essentially tamed these wild beasts. This Saiyaness had promise. "Let's go Little Monkey. Your future awaits." Years passed since then and Maize spent her time as one of Frieza's lone soldiers. She was sent on missions that proved dangerous for a single fighter and sometimes wondered if Frieza did this on purpose. Eventually she was given her own team to command and this opened up the opportunity for her to have a bit of a life and understand what it was like to have others by her side. She hadn't felt like that since she left the pack and had wondered if it was a mistake to leave. Her squad proved to be a valuable asset to Frieza's empire. With a team at her side she was even more capable of completing her missions. She also made an effort to train her team which other squads often neglected. She couldn't get stronger if the people she was supposed to rely on were weak. The training strengthened their bond and it became clear that her squad was more loyal to her than they were fearful of Frieza. They even told her what she had still yet to learn. That Frieza was the one who destroyed her planet and there were still surviving Saiyans out there. During their off time they sought them out. She was only partly surprised that the Prince was still alive. The Saiyans were resilient people. It'd only make sense that the heir to the throne would be among the survivors. She informed them of what she knew and they told her she was late on the uptake. They had known for a while, but knew they couldn't do anything against Frieza. But they noticed her power and they had a glimmer of hope for the first time. All, but the Prince. He felt overshadowed by someone who should be weaker than him. How could he be the Prince of All Saiyans if he wasn't the strongest? This motivated him like no other and he decided to whip himself and his people into shape. It'd take a long time before they were ready, but she was confident that together they'd be able to take down their genocidal tyrant. But she knew this still wouldn't be enough. She needed to train on her own as well. Something that could push her to even higher limits. She wasn't even sure her Wrath Form would be enough. During her time in the empire she heard of a race of peculiar aliens with even more peculiar abilities. The Yardrats. She heard that Frieza was considering giving the Ginyu Force the mission so she had to be quick to steal it from under them. Frieza may not have completely trusted her, but he trusted her work. Maize knew that he also couldn't pass up the opportunity to send her on a potentially dangerous mission. So playing to those cards she was able to convince him to put her squad on the job. When they arrived on the planet the Yardratians were prepared to fight, but she showed them she meant no harm by refusing to fight. She knew her old approach of beating others into submission wouldn't work here. They let her speak and she told them her plan to rid the galaxy of Frieza and King Cold, but she needed their help to do it. Their elder, Pybara, agreed to train her as she was the only one among her group ready for the kind of training she was about to partake. The training was different for her. The key to their powers was Spirit Control. She had already learned over the years to manipulate her own ki and sense it in herself and others, but their Spirit Control expounded on that and dug deeper. It wasn't difficult picking up Instant Transmission and although it would be useful she wanted to learn more. Unfortunately it'd take more time than they had. Pybara sensed her thoughts and although their people were forbidden from using teleportation to leave their planet they needed to. She promised she'd find a way to return their planet to normal when Frieza and Cold were defeated. She and her squad regrettably razed the planet and prepared it for sale. She had the Yardrats teleport with her to where the remaining Saiyans were training. They'd all have to hide there for the time being. Maize continued her training with Pybara going even further until she felt it was time. She sent her squad on ahead of her. Their job was to fight the other soldiers and make sure no one, not even the Ginyu Force would come to Frieza's aid. Once they were in position Maize used IT to teleport her and the other Saiyans into Frieza's castle. The teams split up and chaos ensued. The battle started off rather easily. Together they were able to push and even overwhelm Frieza's first form causing him to transform into his second where he was able to put up more of a fight. That still wouldn't have been enough to completely overwhelm the Saiyans, but the weaker ones were starting to feel the pressure. She and Vegeta were the ones mainly keeping up. But when Maize noticed that this wasn't getting them anywhere she activated her Wrath Form in battle for the first time in years. She had managed to keep it a secret from Frieza and the other Saiyans until now. It caught everyone by surprise and they noticed the jump in power was similar to that of the Great Ape. Frieza was being pushed back even more now and he decided to skip his third form and head straight for his final one. Maize was able to defend against him, but she knew even her current form wasn't enough to stop him. The battle had moved way beyond the castle now. The soldiers and citizens of the empire all looked on as the Saiyans rebelled against their emperor. Some cheered on, others dared not in fear that Frieza would win and punish them with death after. But they were all amazed by the level of battle in front of them. By this point the other Saiyans were barely hanging on in the fight, being more of a nuisance to Frieza than anything. Frieza swiped out and swiftly ended the lives of Raditz and Nappa as if they were nothing. Anger welled up inside her as her fury grew her power did as well. He had killed too many of their kind and she wouldn't let him get away with it again. Her temporary boost in rage pushed him him back and annoyed him even more. He noticed that the soldiers meant to help him were nowhere to be found. Even Zarbon and Dodoria were gone. Had no one called the Ginyu Force? He was alone up there and it angered him. He noticed the cause for his lack of support and brought several death beams down on her squad sending them all to their deaths. No matter how much they trained, no matter how much they did it was all for nothing. Frieza was too strong and if he was like this what did that mean for Cold? She had never felt more hopeless. A silent rage echoed inside her before lightning called down from the skies. The sky turned dark and she grimaced as her body seemed to fight against her, ready to unleash something that had been hidden inside all along. Her hair changed both in shape and color. It was spikier than it was in her Wrath Form and slightly longer. But the true difference was that it was yellow as well. Her eyes were a sea of green and they stared at Frieza piercing him with death. Frieza and Vegeta both remained afloat in shock, anger and for the former also fear. The legend was true. What stood before them both was a Super Saiyan. Frieza couldn't believe he had raised the enemy he sought to destroy. Maize warned Frieza that he was going to die and to pray to whatever god he believed in because with the atrocities he committed all that awaited him was damnation. The battle was thunderous. It sounded like two giants were fighting and everyone was aware that only one giant would remain alive in the end. Maize didn't feel like toying with Frieza. As much as he needed to suffer for what he did seeing her overlooking him in his final moments was all the torture she needed. She ended the battle with a powerful beam of her own disintegrating his body in the process. She left nothing to chance. She knew of his race's resiliency. The battle was won, but this wasn't the end of it. She left Vegeta in charge of Frieza's planet. Being a ruler wasn't for her and someone needed to make things right here while she went after Cold. She made a pit stop to see Pybara. She didn't need to give him an update. He healed her since she couldn't use it on herself and she searched out in the galaxy for Cold's signature. She had found it. Apparently he was on his way to the Empire's main planet. Word traveled fast, but not fast enough. She transported to him and while still in Super Saiyan wiped him out before he was given the opportunity to transform. This wasn't about her pride as a warrior. It was about completing a promise and getting the job done swiftly. She spared the lives of the soldiers on his ship as they were all loyal out of fear than respect and if they needed someone to serve they had a new leader in Vegeta. She returned to the Yardratians and was told about Namekians and their wish granting orbs the Dragon Balls. With them she should be able to restore their planet and revive the friends she lost. She sought them out and after Guru read her memories he believed she and her intentions were worthy of the Dragon Balls and for her potential to be unlocked. After unlocking her potential the Dragon Balls were tweaked so they could revive multiple people and with that everything was normal for a while. She and her squad left Vegeta's Empire, but remained allies and traveled the universe to explore, learn, and train. There was so much out there that they were unaware of. Even dangers stronger than Frieza. She and her crew would find that out the hard way. [u][b]Techniques[/b][/u]: [b]Death Beam[/b]: She learned this technique during her time as Frieza's pet monkey soldier. She observed him used it and did so on her own. [b]Warrior's Blood Moon[/b]: An orb of red ki that resembles a powerball. She launches it at her enemy causing it to explode on impact. [b]Thunder Cannon[/b]: This is a powerful, yellow beam that sounds like thunder when being released. [b]Electric Fist[/b]: Noticing the electric nature surrounding the Super Saiyan transformation she learned to manipulate the nature of her ki to electrify her fist allowing her to shock and numb opponents on impact. [b]Ki Sense[/b]: She's able to sense and manipulate ki, but this has grown exponentially stronger under her Yardratian training. [b]Spirit Control[/b]: An advanced form of Ki Manipulation that allows her to use an assortment of abilities. [b]Instant Transmission[/b]: She can use this to teleport to anyone whose ki she can sense. [b]Cloning Technique[/b]: Something she rarely uses, but definitely helps with training. Using her spirit control she's able to create clones of herself, but it cuts her power to give to them. [b]Healing Technique[/b]: An advanced spirit control technique that lets her heal others. It does not work on the dead. [b]Forced Spirit Fission[/b]: A really advanced spirit control technique that lets her separate and manipulate energy from her target. She has to hit them or have her open palm face them for it to work. It can undo things like fusion and absorption and also give stolen energy to others. [u][b]Transformations[/b][/u]: [b]Wrath Form[/b]: This is her first transformation. It's pseudo Oozaru form that gives her the boost in power without the drawbacks in size. Initially it caused her to rage out like a wild beast, but overtime she has learned to control the beast within. [b]Super Saiyan[/b]: She achieved this form in her fight against Frieza. She has mastered it, but is unaware that there's a level beyond it. [/hider]