Gavin, too, was now curious. He had dismissed the dream as something his mind had scrambled together from the strange events in Amria, but now that there was a possibility that it was intertwined with Kire’s dreams and tied to some external force, he now starting thinking more about what he had seen. “Well, maybe I got the dreams because I’m tied to the gate, too,” Gavin put in, mouth half-full. “It was my blood and Kire’s that stabilized it, and your blood that got it started. Haven’t heard anybody else here in Úvano waking up from weird nightmares or having visions, save for us.” Kire nodded, considering it as she continued with her meal, silent as she mentally prepared herself for her conversation. When Ruli said he would talk to Envy while she went to Risa, she nodded again, then realized something. “I suppose I better catch Ysaryn and ask to be taken to Risa before she whisks Ed away, or asks for a rematch. Or both.” She wrinkled her nose at that. Gavin chuckled at that. Kire ate a bit faster, then finished what was left of her coffee. “Alright, I’m off. I’ll see you both later for the wards, say, for lunch? My turn to feed you, or have someone make something to feed you.” She rose to her feet, then leaned to kiss Ruli on the cheek. “Thank you for breakfast, love—” She clamped her mouth shut, eyes wide as she blushed, realizing what she had just called him. She cleared her throat. “Um. Right. See you later,” she muttered, before quickly turning to leave. Gavin was grinning wide, looking from her to Ruli, wondering with glee what his mentor had thought of the term of endearment. -- Ed grinned back as he tugged Ysaryn to her feet. “[i]I should hope so. I’d hate to have to prove it again,[/i]” he said with a cheeky smirk. “[i]I’m just here to make sure she’s awake and ready to start her day. She mentioned needing to talk to the princess here last night, so I assume she won’t be returning home until that task is complete. Why do you ask?[/i[“ He grinned again, though only for a moment. “[i]What about your father, though? I don’t want to be the source of a rift between you two.[/i]” Not long after, though, he heard Kire clear her throat behind them. “Begging your pardon,” she said, smiling at them. “I hate to interrupt, but I was just wondering if you’d take me to Risa, or at least point me in her direction. I’ll try to be as quick as I can so you two could—spar again,” she finished, smirking.