[h3]Narkissa Langdon[/h3] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Crusader Lord] [@PKMNB0Y] Thankfully, Malphas’ antics had not gotten them crucified on the spot. At the very least, the villagers, or the guard, didn’t seem to be the zealously religious type. Either way, it was becoming clear to her that cultist of a man was a dangerous wildcard. Sticking around with him might be interesting… but it was also likely the path to destruction. Shooting a look of distaste at the crazy man, she resolved herself to avoid the man as much as possible. The words of the guard had some interesting wisdom. Listening carefully, she took the information in, making sure to try and memorize the details. After all, it was all they could get about the world right now. More interestingly, he confirmed the existence of elves, and more of Leannah’s kind, and enlightened them on the nature of the dead beast in the center. Narkissa didn’t immediately rush to the conclusion they were the other reincarnates she had seen earlier –she was dubious over the fact that any one of them could kill such a thing—but she remained curious what sort of mercenary or good-Samaritans these three people were. Any such people that helped a small village in such a manner couldn’t be very bad people, and as far as Narkissa was concerned, they’d need some competent, or at least martially able people to be friends with to make it in this world. As she was thinking of going over and waiting to see who would come out, she noticed Narkissa approaching her. “Somewhat, at least. As far as things go, definitely. We’re lucky we’re able to run into a village where we can get some proper information,” she nodded, in wholehearted agreement with the catgirl, who also started to lean in. “…Ah.” Her eyes flicked conspiratorially towards Malphas. “Say no more. I’d rather not stick with him for much longer, either.” Smiling at the complement, she continued. “On that topic, we should speak more later… for now, I want to see what’s going on up there.” Up ahead, it seemed, somebody had left the large wooden building, and that said somebody didn’t look remotely like a villager. Another girl with animal ears? Whoever it was, Narkissa made [i]sure[/i] to get there before Malphas, and slid in to accost the girl. Thinking quickly, she made up an easy litmus test on the spot. “Pardon me. You don’t look like a local… are you perhaps from a little place called Earth?”