[hider=Nanna / Brynhildr, the chooser of the slain, goddess of war, honor and battles] [center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9a/62/71/9a627104f20050b748c63ae9d6e3591e.jpg[/img] [color=gold]⍚ Nanna "The Walküre" [/color] ⥥ [color=gold]20[/color] ⥥ [color=gold] Female [/color]⥥ [color=gold] Heterosexual ⍚ [/color] [h3][color=gold]"Cattle die, kinsmen die; the self must also die. But there is one thing which never dies: the judgement of a dead man's life."[/color][/h3][/center] [center][hr][hr][h1][color=F2A541][b]𝔐[/b]y [b]𝔐[/b]ortal [b]ℭ[/b][i]𝔬𝔦𝔩[/i][/color][/h1][hr][hr][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=cccccc]Nanna stands at 1.98m, has blonde, almost silver, long hair she uses tied, adorned with a couple of wooden carved hair beads, and a pair of bone carved earrings, with a spiral pattern on them. She has a very strong body with defined muscles, yet It os still slender and feminine. The body of a battle tried skjaldmær. Her grey eyes are famed for their enigmatic and piercing stare. If one looked at her they would say she is just a beautiful woman, only uf wasnt for the imposing aura she emanated, the full leather and fur armor she wore or the long spear that were always with her. Her curse takes form of the Helreið Brynhildar poem from the Poetic Edda. Each time she uses her powers, a part of the poem begins glowing, with a fiery red, like it os on fire. [hider=Helreið Brynhildar] Munu við ofstríð alls til lengi konur ok karlar kvikvir fæðask; við skulum okkrum aldri slíta Sigurðr saman. Sökkstu, gýgjar kyn. Ever with grief and all too long Are men and women born in the world; But yet we shall live our lives together, Sigurth and I. Sink down, Giantess! [/hider] Additionally, inside her heart, there is a small, blood red crystal fragment. It pulsates together with her heart, almost like it is a living thing. Nanna usually wears a full leather armor. She always said that dresses are unpractical and would hinder her in combat. Her armor Is currently in tatters. The lower part of her armor and the fur pants she wear underneath it are the only parts that are relatively unscathed. the upper torso of it is completely destroyed. She is currently using bandages to cover her upper torso. [hider=Armor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/22/a2/a2/22a2a2e8e949d146f98cfdaed08b846a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]P[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] E R S O N A L I T Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr][center][/center] [indent][color=cccccc]Nanna is a very brave woman, exactly how her name says. In battle, she is fearless, concentrated, believes that one should never fear death in battle, as it is the right and most honorable way to die. Her allies see in her an inspiration, as the brightest and biggest presence on the battlefield. Her foes' spirits falter at the sight of her imposing figure and aura. Normally Nanna is very serious when dealing with strangers or when issuing orders, due to her position as shieldmaiden and the champion of her clan. If you're a stranger, chances are that you will never see her smiling, but when she is with friends or her soldiers, drinking and commemorating after a successful battle, she is very kind, cheerful and sweet (especially when she gets drunk after drinking far too many horns of mead). The ones who saw her smile say that is bright as the sun, heating the heart of even a veteran soldier. Many men already tried to have her for their own, but Nanna, the Walküre, is not just a regular woman, and her heart is a battlefield that has already seen many battles.[/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]B[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] I O G R A P H Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=cccccc] Nanna was born in the cold mountains of north, where the frozen winds blow all year long, a place where only the strong survive. Since she was a child she had an unusual attraction to spears. Even as baby, she always was trying to get to her father's spear to play with it. A she grew up, she began showing an incredible prowess in fighting with one, going as far as being declared champion of her clan with only 15 years old. As Nanna grew older, she turned into an exemplar skjaldmær. Every battle she participated she brought victory to her clan. Fearless in battle, her eyes pierced her enemies, only her presence was enough to change the battle. The tales of a skjaldmær whose spear never misses her target began to spread in the north clans. With her fame spreading, she got the title of "The Walküre", as a skjaldmær who had the spirit of a true warrior. Using a very unique style of fighting, It was frightening yet beautiful to watch. Fierce, strong and graceful, she used her spear and shield like extensions of her body, using her entire body together with it. Powerful shield bash to disorientate and break her opponent's guard, fierce strikes with the shield's rim to knock them down, powerful thrusts that carried all her weight, strength, spirit and experience, beautiful circular motions to cut her opponent's down, wide sweeps to make them fall, using even the shaft of the spear to fight. No one had ever seen a warrior like her. Naturally, she was offered the seat of Jarl on her tribe, but she declined, she didn't felt worthy of leading the clan. Her place was in the battlefield, she felt a connection to that place. It was a holy place. Somewhere were kings and slaves were equals, the true location where one could show how much he worth. His bravery, his valor and his honour. When she turned 20 though, the clan began changing... The previous Jarl had died, and his son wasn't meant to rule. He didn't respected the gods or the holiness of the battlefield. The unspoken laws of war, the ones who every single warrior who had even an ounce of honor was bound to follow, even those he broke when he cowardly murdered the enemy chief after inviting him to a dinner, in a blatant lie to sign a truce. No good could come of that. Disrespecting the ancient traditions wasn't something that the gods would be happy to see. Nanna and her most trusted soldiers went to the Jarl to declare their secession from the clan, but the corrupt Jarl wouldn't let them, and in a coward move, he gave the order to kill Nanna and her trusty warriors. A thousand arrows began to fly on their direction. Hopelessly, Nanna watched as her warriors charged, fearlessly to the certain death, protecting her and falling one after another. Seeing that affront to the honor and the gods, something snapped inside Nanna... With a roar, she charged her old clan, ahead of her warriors. In a beautiful and deadly dance, her spear danced with a hissing sound, her body followed the dance. A silver streak dancing in the middle of the battle, her spear slew enemies without distinction. As he saw the Jarl, she ran towards him. Spear in hand, with circular motions she charged. The silver blade cutting the throat of her enemies, her blonde hair sprinkled with blood, her body full of cuts and arrows piercing it, ignoring the pain she kept running, leaving a trail of bodies behind, in her incontrollable rage. As she got near the Jarl, so close she could see the white of his eyes, her spear followed her, piercing his neck. Looking to his eyes, she watched as he hopelessly grasped the spear shaft, his blood flowing through it as he tried to breathe. Twisting the spear with a sound of bones breaking and tearing flesh, she ended his life. Nanna knelt on the ground, wounded and exhausted. Behind her a trail of dead bodies laid, as her allies looked at her, without words. Without strenght to get up, she dropped her spear, falling on the ground, unconscious. Slowly approaching her, her warriors made an oath to themselves, they would follow her till the end. The one who never fled from battle, her allies are stronger with her, and her enemies tremble with her mighty roar. A woman who was born to battle. A true Walküre. After spending a long time recovering, she went to the only place where she could: the clan gathering. There she would meet the Wolfrahg. The other clan that lived not too far from her old clan, and she could formally announce the Wulfing tribe's extinction. Maybe she could enter their ranks. They were a honorable tribe, unlike what the Wulfing became. Maybe she would start her own tribe... With her mind full of doubts, she and her warriors began the lengthy journey to the gathering. She didn't knew what she would find there, neither how the other clans would react to the news of the Wulfing's extinction. [/color][/indent] [color=gold][b]Memories Retained:[/b][/color] [color=cccccc]Ignore for now[/color] [list][*][*][*][/list] [center][hr][hr][h1][color=F2A541]𝔐y ℑmmortal 𝔖[i]𝔬𝔲𝔩[/i][/color][/h1][hr][hr][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4b/13/d3/4b13d30b3b3dff71cd5dbdbfcd6765e7.jpg[/img] [color=gold]⍚ Brynhildr[/color] ⥥ [color=gold]The chooser of the slain, goddess of war, honor and battles.[/color] ⥥ [color=gold] Female [/color]⥥ [color=gold] Heterosexual ⍚ [/color] [h3][quote=Helgakviða Hundingsbana I][color=gold]"Then light shone from Logafell,[/color] [color=gold]and from that radiance there came bolts of lightning;[/color] [color=gold]wearing helmets at Himingvani [came the valkyries].[/color] [color=gold]Their byrnies were drenched in blood;[/color] [color=gold]and rays shone from their spears.[/color] [...] [color=gold]Helmeted valkyries came down from the sky[/color] [color=gold]—the noise of spears grew loud—they protected the prince;[/color] [color=gold]then said Sigrun—the wound-giving valkyries flew,[/color] [color=gold]the troll-woman's mount was feasting on the fodder of ravens.[/color] [/quote][/h3][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]G[/b][/color][sub][color=gold]O D L Y A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=cccccc] Brynhildr stands at over 2,00m. Wearing a full set of armor. Her presence on a battlefield can be a blessing or a curse, as she is known to partake in those battles, to test who is worthy and who is not. Spear in her left hand, its blade coated with blood of the fallen, shield on her right hand, unbreakable, impenetrable. A beautiful golden hair can be seen under her horned helmet, blowing with the wind. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]K[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] N O W N F O R[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=cccccc] + Appearing on great battles to watch over and decide who is worthy of going to the Valhöll + Going to the battle herself, favoring the most honorable ones. + Spears and martial arts that utilizes them. + Honor both in war and life. + Having favorite warriors / clans. + If enraged, causes great bloodbaths. + Some say that the "battle frenzy" the Úlfhéðnar experience is caused by the goddess taking control of that warrior's body. [/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]F[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] O R M A T I V E M O M E N T S I N H I S T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=cccccc] From the second humans were born, there was war. Some say that Brynhildr firstly appeared when humans had their first discussion. Teaching them the right and honorable ways both of war and peace, telling the young human race that the battlefield was a sacred ground and should not be used to dishonorable fights. As the human race grew both in numbers and in age, Brynhildr kept doing her work. Battle over battle, Brynhildr was present. Every great battle of history she was there. Be as a goddess watching the battle and taking the worthy souls to the afterlife or possessing a mortal, amidst the bloodshed, with a smile on her face. She was loved the war with all her heart. It was a place were one could show his true worth, defying even fate itself. On the battlefield, everything was possible and for a long time, it was the only love of her life. But one day, this changed. A certain warrior captured her heart. His bravery, his honor, he didn't had a reason to go to war. He wasn't there for fame, fortune or power. He simply loved the battlefield as much as she did. She began to fight by his side, always together with him. Every battle he was present, she was there, fighting by his side. Like that, she fell in love with him. A love that needed no words, she knew him solely by sharing the battlefield with him. She saw that beautiful soul live and die many times. Each death was a glorious one, on the battlefield surrounded with his friends and foes. Seeing that beautiful relationship between Brynhildr and that soul, a relationship so pure it didn't needed words, the dark gods got envious. If they couldn't have that, no one could. Then they began plotting against Brynhildr. Disguised as a shieldmaiden, she was again in the battlefield besides her loved one, when a black arrow coming from the sky pierced her heart. She had already died in her mortal disguise before, but that was different, her divine essence was also struck with the arrow. Losing all her memories, she was reborn as Nanna. [/color][/indent] [center][hr][hr][h1][color=F2A541]𝔐y 𝔊ifts 𝔚[i]𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫[/i][/color][/h1][hr][hr][/center] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]S[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] K I L L S E T[/color][/sub][/b][hr][list][*][b][color=gold]Presence:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Nanna is a fierce warrior, and even with her sweet looks, her presence is very impacting. [/color][*][b][color=gold]Skjaldmær:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Nanna Is the perfect shieldmaiden, being hardly matched on the battlefield. By wielding her spear and shield like an extension of her body, she is able to use them and her own body to their full potential. [/color][*][b][color=gold]Field Dressing:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Living in such a harsh and tough environment, it is a necessity to know how to treat your own wounds if you want to survive, be them small wounds, deep wounds or even broken bones. [/color][*][b][color=gold]Asgardian Bulwark:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Nanna wields her shield not only as something to defend herself, but also as a weapon, using its rim to throw powerful punches, shield bash & etc.[/color][*][b][color=gold]Flexibility[/color][/b] - [color=cccccc]Nanna has a very good control over her own body, being able to perform jumps, acrobatics and having a very good balance.[/color][*][b][color=gold]Natural Compass[/color][/b] - [color=cccccc]Living in the highest mountains, travelling and knowing how to orientate herself is a must. She hardly ever gets lost.[/color] [/list] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]A[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] B I L I T I E S[/color][/sub][/b][hr][i][color=cccccc]These will unlock. Only the first ability shall be available in their first life.[/color][/i] [color=gold][b]Life Force[/b][/color]: [color=cccccc]15/15 (ignore for now)[/color] [color=gold][b]Walküre's Embodiment: Weakest Ability[/b][/color][hr][indent][color=cccccc][i]Nanna is no ordinary warrior. She is the embodiment of a Walküre.[/i][/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Úlfheðinn's Might[/b]: [/color][color=cccccc] The Úlfhéðnar are warriors who threw themselves into battle with all their spirit. One enters in a trance-like fury enhancing her physical capabilities and toughening her body for battle. [/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Spearmaiden's Lunge[/b]: [/color][color=cccccc] One moves with superhuman speed and agility, lunging with (Or without her spear when outside combat) her spear in a devastating strike.[/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Walküre's Bloodlust[/b]: [/color][color=cccccc] The presence of a Walküre on the battlefield can unsettle her enemies. Some enemies are struck with a deep fear and respect, while other hardened enemies only unsettled by her presence. [/color][/indent] [color=gold][b]Yggdrasil's Favor: Moderate Ability[/b][/color][hr][indent][color=cccccc][i]The world tree reveals itself for those who are worthy and able to tap on its power.[/i][/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Yggdrasil's Roots:[/b]:[/color] [color=cccccc]The roots of the world tree, where everything began. One is able to tap into the world tree's knowledge. The tree will answer one question, and it will not be the one she wishes, but the one she needs.[/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Yggdrasil's Dew:[/b]:[/color] [color=cccccc]The spirits of those who were denied a honorable death are summoned to the earth once more, restraining their foes and possibly causing mental damage.[/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Yggdrasil's Blessing:[/b]:[/color][color=cccccc] Borrowing the power of the legendary tree, cure minor to moderate wounds to one person, with more serious injuries requiring more lifeforce to fully heal. If the wound is fully healed, the character feels invigorated for a while. [/color][/indent] [color=gold][b]Ymyr's Heart: Strongest Ability[/b][/color][hr][indent][color=cccccc] Sometimes, a mortal is born with a unique physiology. Deep within this human's heart, a fragment of Ymyr's heard can be found, pulsating with the energy that created Midgard itself, linking this mere mortal's existence to the gods themselves. [/color] [/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Summon Gungnir[/b][/color][color=cccccc]Summons Gungnir, the legendary spear made of the world tree's wood, a weapon able to hurt a living being's essence, ignoring any defensive magic, piercing everything on its path.[/color] [/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Wotan's Left Eye:[/b]:[/color] [color=cccccc] Wotan's lost eye. The same eye he sacrificed in exchange for an unspoken and forbidden knowledge. Nanna's right eye shines with a white fire, giving her the ability to see and perceive everything in an area of 30m around her, and react according to that, regardless of its speed. [/color][/indent] [indent][color=gold][b]Wrath of Asgard:[/b]:[/color] [color=cccccc] White wings on her back, as she soars high on the sky, looking at the battlefield below. Throwing Gungnir with all one's might, it flies true to its target, piercing everything on its path, be it magical or physical. Its a devastating attack, but it also comes with a great cost to the one who threw the spear.[/color][/indent] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]I[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] N V E N T O R Y[/color][/sub][/b][hr][i][color=cccccc]What is on your person[/color][/i] [list][*][color=cccccc]A circular shield. [hider=Shield] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ce/7b/d7/ce7bd70e0565a432868060098f3a8470.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/color][*][color=cccccc]Her favourite spear. Made by her, it fits perfectly with her needs and fighting style. [hider=Spear] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3e/3d/eb/3e3deb55be93f992235e5c31271f2796.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/color][*][color=cccccc]Bandages[/color] [*][color=cccccc]A drinking horn for... well... drinking of course![/color] [hider=Horn] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/1c/30/7c/1c307cd49a7c8cae11787b83d687841f.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/list] [ ⍚ ] [b][color=gold][b]O[/b][/color][sub][color=gold] T H E R[/color][/sub][/b][hr] -List of old norse words with their translation: [hider=\/ \/ \/ \/] Skjaldmær (Shieldmaiden, the women who chose to fight.) Walküre (Valkyrie) Valhöll (Valhalla) Alföðr (The Allfather) Úlfhéðnar (Berserkers, the warriors from the old norse. They charged the battlefield without armor, in an unstoppable fury Úlfheðinn (Singular for Berserkers) Wotan (Odin) [/hider] -Brynhildr's realm is Asgard. You know the drill... Gods' city, very big city. She often hangs on Valhöll (Valhalla. Enormous hall in asgard where the spirit of those who fell in battle eat, drink and fight for their eternity, waiting for the Ragnarök. [/hider] [hider=Nanna's Relation Sheet(WIP)]Relation Sheet [hr][b][color=gold]O[/color][sub][color=gold] V E R V I E W :[/color][/sub][/b][hr][indent][color=#f48e8e][b]⍚ L[/b]ove:[/color] Raydon [color=9999FF][b]⍚ C[/b]rush:[/color] Bassilius [color=#a7e5b1][b]⍚ F[/b]riend:[/color] [color=#edaf82][b]⍚ E[/b]nemy:[/color] [color=#c8d396][b]⍚ A[/b]quaintance:[/color][/indent] [hider=Strangers] [color=D17B0F]Rimguage III Wolfrahg:[/color][color=cccccc](Any small interactions from IC here. Eventually add to below.)[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]Ophelia:[/color] [color=darksalmon]Aürelia Ostelas[/color] [color=d264de]Narcissa II Karill:[/color] [color=e93b1c]Floran Cestanz:[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Stalana:[/color] [color=9999FF]Kanza:[/color] [color=E6BE8A]Ursine:[/color] [color=696969]Geraldvardis[/color] [color=6A1A66]Anora Roven[/color] [color=009900]Blaine Carrigan[/color] [color=3CB371]Feir:[/color] [color=df6ca3]Fyldren:[/color] [color=#c4394c]Dryden:[/color] [color=slategray]Eilidh Ua Briain:[/color] [color=611B90]Kenzie Moraitis:[/color] [color=yellow]Thran:[/color] [color=EE82EE]Valerie:[/color] [color=#32645b]Persephone:[/color] [color=#6495ed]Faela:[/color] [color=#9f8170]Gaia:[/color] [color=797a9e]Mado:[/color] [color=d79c24]Taltrus:[/color] [color=893BFF]Tlalli Iyollo:[/color] [color=darkseagreen]Iakobos:[/color] [color=gold]Alexandre Vorst:[/color] [color=#98AFC7]Altaira:[/color] [color=9999FF]Xena:[/color] [color=#BC4B4B]Cicero:[/color] [color=1E90FF]Shas'ti:[/color] [/hider] [color=crimson][b]R[/b][/COLOR][color=dimgray][sub][b] A Y D O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=gold]"[b]He is a strong child. His unbreakable will kept him going where many would already have given up. But even though, he is still human. He knows how cruel people can be, but no one never taught him how it feels to be loved.[/b]."[/color] [color=dimgray][b]⍚ Love[/b][/color][/center] [indent][color=cccccc]Behind his brash behavior, Nanna saw someone that suffered his entire life, beaten, obliged to fight against his own will, the boy was no strange to cruelty. Touched by that, she decided to take care of him, support him and do her best to make the boy open up to her.[/color][/indent] [color=15ce57][b]B[/b][/COLOR][color=a5ccB2][sub][b] A S S I L I U S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][center][color=gold]"[b]His physical prowess is not the only thing that caught my attention. The man has a strong spirit, he has the spirit of a true leader[/b]."[/color] [color=15ce57][b]⍚ Crush[/b][/color][/center] [indent][color=cccccc]Although Nanna never had the opportunity to get closer to Bassilius, she came to deeply respect and admire him. Strong, honorable, loyal, she sees much of herself on him. Nanna herself is still a bit confused about her feelings towards Bassilius, but the thought that he would be an ideal partner for her is always present whenever she thinks about him. [/color][/indent] [/hider]