[@Chev] When the role play gets going, it will be a good idea to always have at least two 'objectives' when the battle elements start so the group can be split between them. With a Gm and a co-gm that makes it a lot easier to do. Well aside from splitting the load should help things flow better. So, at the start of this role play I assume we all would have just gone through a multi-dimensional hop so it would make sense if we don't all teleport over with pin-point accuracy, especially if it all happened at the same time. Anyway I am planning on having Titanius waking up from about a decade long sleep so he'll probably be a little groggy and disoriented at first. Well the opening mentions a temple being within sight after dimension hopping so most people would probably head toward the one building in sight first to figure out what is going on. If needed the Supreme Kai of Time can always Kai-Kai everyone there too when the time comes.