[@gorgenmast] I would love to be a part of this amazing project if you are still accepting. If you have room for more, let me know and I'll throw up my character sheet. My idea for a character is an archer formerly from a distant kingdom across the sea in the land of the living. She is an expert archer, once part of a small company sent some years ago from the united kingdoms to assassinate the Necromancer. They failed of course, and now they serve in undeath. But it was worth a try, seeing as how they can't invade with a full force. Every army needs archers! I'm interested in exploring the idea of the remainder of her former group being friends she'd grown up with, but she would be the only one to remember her past-[i]their[/i] past. If there's a spot you'd like me to put my archer to help with the plot, feel free to let me know. I can be with the units of archers in the army, part of the guards in a city or just roaming around with my former company acting as a scouting group hunting down humans or whatever.