[hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wjbPELQ.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] Mutant Underground [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes [/center] [hr][hr] Andy didn't have a chance to explain what high school was to Zarina, but she decided she would later. Truth be told Andy had had so little proper education that she couldn't give much more than a pop-culture idea of what high school was. Most of her proper education had been broken up between shitty schools and homes, with only a little bit of good education in the form of homeschooling from Ash and Jamie. Andy sat at the table feeling awkward being there. It felt like a war meeting or at least collecting before something very wrong happened. A tension left the room when a speedster with silver hair entered the room. Andy was surprised to learn they were there from Xavier himself with a vaccine. Andy hadn't caught M-pox so she doubted she needed the vaccine, somehow they had been okay when all the others caught it and started getting deadly ill. With a cure, Veil's group would be in better shape, and Andy doubted they'd want her to be with them for any of the stuff they were getting into, but they also wanted to help. [color=b71d5d]"I'll help wherever you need me."[/color] She offered, wanting to make up for the food she had eaten and the space she had taken. It was well drilled into Andy to give back what she could to those who helped her. Andy hoped that wherever she ended up she wasn't where the guy with the fire was though. She did not want to fight that guy, and luckily so far they had been able to avoid that. Veil hadn't seen her fight the earthquake guy, but she had seen her fight the Purifiers the day before.