[i]Oh my friends...My good friends...I'm so sorry.[/i] The Supreme Kai of Time looked at the piles of ash that littered the heavily damaged Conton City from the barely functioning Time Nest. Once those piles of ash had been Time Patrollers, defenders of history. But now they were all gone. They had given their all to save what remained of Conton City and to protect the Supreme Kai of time. Once Conton City had been one of the most impressive sights in Universe 7. But that was no longer the case. The City looked as though it had been hit with explosives powerful enough to level a normal city. The Supreme Kai of Time sighed heavily as tears briefly appeared in her eyes. Their efforts to use massive amounts of energy to move the city through various points in time to escape whoever had been striking at the city had failed. No matter where they had gone, the attacks had continued. It was her closest friend and best Time Patroller who had come up with the idea to use what was left of the power in the city to move the City outside Universe 7 entirely, outside the normal universe in fact. But the energy contained within the city wasn't nearly enough to complete the escape. They had given everything they had. All of them. They had given so much energy that their bodies had turned to ashes but in the end they had succeeded. Conton City, or rather what remained of it was now outside of the normal universe. [i]My Time Patrol...My beloved Time Patrollers.[/i] She stopped for a moment as she looked down at a pile of ash with a heavily damaged and nearly charred black sword next to it. She forced herself to push down the well of emotions that rose to the surface and looked at at the seven heavily damaged Dragon Balls on the ground next to her. She knew what was going to happen next wouldn't be pleasant for either her or Shenron. "Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!" She called out in a voice that was tinged with resignation. The Dragon Balls flickered faintly and a moment later a blaze of light shot forth into the sky and the Eternal Dragon appeared but the Dragon appeared nearly translucent and his eyes flickered faintly as though he was fighting to keep himself together. "Supreme Kai of Time..." The dragon roared in a voice filled with pain. "I do not have much time left. The Dragon Balls are damaged nearly beyond use." "I know...And I know you are aware of what is happening across the Multiverse right now. Entire realities are being wiped out one by one. Untold numbers of people are dying every day. I know you don't have the power to bring back my Time Patrollers and I will accept that for the time being. But you and I both know that there are survivors. Versions of those who are being hunted who's universes have somewhat managed to survive albeit briefly. My wish, Shenron, is for those who's universes are about to be destroyed to be brought to safety here in Conton City." The dragon simply nodded and his eyes began to glow as an anguished roar filled the empty city as Shenron put his last remaining bit of strength in the wish. "N-Nine...I can only save Nine." The dragon gasped in pain as all around Conton City, nine flashes of light appeared all around the city. With a final anguished roar of pain the dragon vanished in a flash of light and the Dragon balls went completely dark. "It's time I meet the new arrivals." The Kai whispered to herself as she limped towards the entrance of the Time Nest.