[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] St. David's Hospital - Cardiff [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] Blindsense (Passive), agility [/center] [hr][hr] She let herself be dragged along through the floor and even the wall, but they were back in the Hospital. There was something very wrong with this place. It was dreamlike if she was honest with herself. She frowned and focused on her blindsense looking beyond the walls of the place, she suddenly felt a little nauseous as she did. It was like being in a fun mirror room. She looked at Oliver, [color=0080ff]"Hey if we die here just know that I don't think you're evil. You're not your father or any of that shit. You're who you want to be, and who I've seen so far has been a hero. I'm glad I'm here with you too."[/color] Niah didn't mention anything about how he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his mother or any of that other stuff. She hadn't known Oliver that well, she hadn't been with the team on the moon but she was proud of him. Niah raised her chin and checked her pistol. Her heart was pounding and she was probably more scared then she had ever been in her life, which was saying something since she had literally watched friend's hearts be ripped out of their chest in front of her. Niah had changed the world with a single letter, she had brought her sister back from the dead. She had saved countless lives. She was proud of what she had accomplished. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] Ellis Island - Field [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] hnad-to-hand [/center] [hr][hr] [color=004d00]"I shot her with an ICER. She's a kid and shouldn't be here. I didn't want her to get actually hurt."[/color] Matt told Bonnie. He was glad that the dart had taken effect and the girl was alright from the look of relief on Bonnie's face. Now the crazy girl who had literally put Cass's eye in her mouth was trying to hit him. He was able to doge, thankful for his hand-to-hand combat training. His power didn't work on her, and neither had an ICER dart...nor had literally breaking her neck. [color=004d00]"I think it is a little unfair they have a kid and someone who would give Deadpool a hard time here. You say you're for freedom but if your freedom means bringing actual teenagers into the battlefield like child soldiers I think you should reevaluate your ideas."[/color] Matt said loudly hoping the other fighters would hear his admonishments of their decisions and rethink their life choices. He could pull his actual pistol and shoot this girl till she dropped again, but considering how quickly she had healed from the broken neck that did seem like insanity. For any extended fight he would lose against her there was no doubt in his mind. He also knew he didn't want to abandon Cass, especially now that she was short an eye. What would be good is getting that knife out of her hand. He reached out trying to grab her arm and twist it to take away her dagger, but she pulled away before he could get her. Son-of-a-gun. [hider=rolls]Matt is going to play distraction against Folly, using hand-to-hand. Essentially if she tries to hit Cass he'll attack part of her that is going undefended. He will also be prepared to defend himself if she tries to hit him again. [/hider]