The sharp click of stiletto heels bounces up and down the mirrored halls. Every step explodes like a small SP rifle before the maze catches it and amplifies the click-click-pop into a tiny, furious thunderstorm raging across the labyrinth. The walls howl with pain; Bella is coming. A dozen different Bellas with their dozen tails wrapped tight around their legs come slowly down the hallway from a dozen different angles. Some stretch impossibly tall and thin, while others splinter where they pass through a web of cracking glass. Another few are perfect, and even more terrifying for it. Every Bella wears the same expression, which could only be described as pure, incandescent rage. It certainly could not be pain; she would need to care to be able to feel that, and she doesn't. She doesn't. So it can only be anger that clenches her jaw so tightly she can barely move it, or that presses her lips together thin enough to make them disappear, or that makes her trembling eyes shrink to angry pinpricks. It's adrenaline that's making them wet. She pauses. When she turns her head toward some spot around a corner, darkness swallows the features of her face and transform her into one of the [i]erinyes[/i]. The scream that comes from her belongs to a wounded animal. It lodges in the spine and shivers there long after even the echoes of the noise itself have faded. There's another sound of rending claws and shattered mirrors and crumbling wall as though it were crushed by the Spear of Civilization, and the various Bellas crumble to the floor in pieces. The path forward is dark, and ripples with the heaving breaths of a hunting beast. "...Friends?" Bella's voice is trembling, "Friends?! You think you've got [i]friends?"[/i] Laughter dribbles out of her with the burbling drip drip of saliva on the ground. She's close. Close enough that the sense of heat coming from her body is palpable. Close enough to feel the way her body is shaking. Close enough... to know she's not guarding the way out. "That's just like you, Princess. Does it hurt being that stupid? Those... mercenaries aren't your friends. You're just a meal ticket for the likes of them, when are you gonna wake up and realize it? Oh, but maybe you meant Alexa? Well I'm sure [i]she's[/i] your friend. After all, besties aaalllllways keep leashes or command seals on hand. Just in case, right?" Bella's teeth flash in every pile of broken glass. Her tail cracks like a whip, close enough to touch. "Did you think you could hide from [i]me?[/i] I could smell you from the other side of the planet you fucking moron." [Redana, damage your Wisdom or roll to Overcome]