I have a Wiccan aunt that I never get to see. A sister that religion hops and tries everything once. Most of my family is Christian, but and I'm agnostic for the time being. Your story reminds me... the house I currently live in is over 200 years old. We have a few creepy antique dolls that always seem to be staring at you. And items just seem to fall down off shelves and tables. Noise making toys just start talking randomly. Sometimes, our cats get big eyed and start running and screeching all over the house. Sometimes I get this awful feeling I call "ghost dread" where my heart rate just seems to pick up out of nowhere and I get this heavy feeling like weighted blanket has been put on me, and it gets hard to move (and I'm definitely awake) and I feel like I'm being watched. Usually turning the light on helps... but not always. There have been a couple cases where I swear I heard a little girl talking to me (there are no children in our house) and a couple times I saw a shadow figure at the corner of my eyes... I cant wait to move out of this place. x.x'