Narda frowned when Envy said the reason behind his limited movement. “Uneasy? Because you’re a Kartaian?” Even now, he was still concerned by their well-being and feelings, despite everything. The giantess shook her head. It wasn’t her place but his, as he had reminded her during their first meeting, but she wished she could do something about that situation. It would have infuriated her to no end if she was feared and reviled despite everything she had done for them, had she been in his place. But evidently, he had much deeper reserves of patience and empathy than she did. “Then, perhaps we should have dinner at mine sometime soon. Neither of us need bother with the kitchen then, and I will make sure that you be well-entertained.” She smiled. -- Kire let out a low growl, frowning as he mentioned how the memory must be blocked by the goddess somehow. “He’s right. Better not risk it, if finding the memory isn’t a guarantee. We’ll find out what Solaralai wants some other way. She can be cryptic all she wants, but gods cast a long shadow. I feel a lot less terrible now about knocking a hole through her temple, honestly, if it weren’t so important to the residents.” She followed him back out, nodding at his comment about Ysaryn and Ed, still annoyed at the thought of Solaralai showing herself to Ruli but preventing him from retaining the details of their strange meeting. She inhaled, and the pleasant cool breeze, along with the subtle smells of cinnamon and flowers from Ruli, calmed her temper down for now. As she walked beside him back to the caves, she raised a brow when he cleared his throat, sensing an unasked question. [i]Probably about this morning.[/i] She stared pointedly ahead, until he asked something else. “Uh—lamb, with roasted vegetables. Was tempted to try it, but figured I wouldn’t leave the table if I did.” She grinned briefly at that, before looking sidelong at him. “I—um.” She stopped short of the caves. “What I said this morning. By accident, mostly. It just came out without me really thinking. Does it bother you?”