[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qI0IA2q.png[/img] & [img]https://i.imgur.com/fIEd14f.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=Fuchsia]“You have been told why you have been selected.”[/color] Indeed they had, their youth was to be considered an asset among the Gressinae populace, that combined with the fact that the Master wished for a Gressinae to pursue the task set forward. [color=Fuchsia]“You have been told what you have been selected for.”[/color] To be a mercenary in truth. To go to the peoples of Galbar and offer them a deal, payment in exchange for service, terms negotiable. It wasn’t odious to Var’s senses, afterall they would still be serving the Master even as they served others for whatever payment was expected. They had also been warned what such tasks may entail, Var accepted such risks. [color=Fuchsia]“You have been outfitted for such work, in body and in tool.”[/color] Var turned their singular glassy eye to look upon the gauntlet that now sat upon their right hand. It was golden in color and decorative in full view, there were inscriptions and designs that coated every plate and portion of the gauntlet, some were too small to see. Var flexed their hand forward and back, clenching their four fingers in a fist each way, it did not restrict such movements too badly. Besides, its more magical effects were far more important than the armor it provided, Var had their outer coating for such defense in any case. [color=Fuchsia]“Are you prepared?”[/color] Var turned back to the great gaze of the Master, their mouth parts’ chittered as they replied in the divine tongue of the Master’s will. [color=SteelBlue]“I, Var, am prepared Master.”[/color] Var turned their head around to take one last look at those they would be leaving behind, they waved their left antennae in silent good-bye to their progenitors. Greh, Cae, and Uoa waved their right antennae in reply. Var turned their head back forward. A rift had erupted before them, green flame encircled it as they looked through to jagged rock and harsh forests. Var galloped forward, the three legs of each set that radiated out from their body propelling them forward into the rift and out into Galbar. Var landed on stone, but not of the kind they were used to, this barely registered from their hooves and paws as they turned their head around to witness the rift close behind them with a soft crackle. It was quiet, and there was fading light. Var had been explained this by the Master, it was called sunlight. And the bright disk setting below the horizon was called the Sun. Additionally, seeing this told them many things. That the direction they were looking was called West. They turned their head back, facing forward once more. This was East. Var turned their head right. That was South. Var turned their body to face South, each leg taking a careful step on the uneven ground. Var set forth down the mountain, they had to turn or divert course a few times, but they always turned back to head more properly South. Soon the ground began to smooth out, all had darkened significantly and it was much harder to see. Luckily, the Gauntlet’s flame did provide some light, and it came in use for its more destructive purposes when Var came up to the thicker forests. The flames did provide some warmth and comfort to Var as they used it to cut through a path that they could travel. Var got the feeling they were being watched as the night went on, but they were not approached at all, nor did they hear much. Var had drawn their antennae close and was very grateful for the small amount of fuzz their outer layer had, it was not warm in these lands. The Master had said there were many names for the region they were in, mostly as few chose to live there fully and described it from their own regions of greater comfort. Var did not blame them, it was quiet, cold, and not very hospitable. It grew warmer as the Sun rose in the east. Var had not been going perfectly South as it turned out. Rather with the Sun setting and little other way to tell direction from their own knowledge Var had been wandering south-west instead. It wasn’t a huge issue, one did not travel so far in a single night to throw off course the supreme direction of their journey. The woods were still quiet, Var wondered where all the little living things were, there were supposed to be many wherever one went, although Var had not seen many. They wondered if they had been scared off by their arrival, or perhaps their steps were too ponderous. Maybe they were not looking in the right places, the Master had not specified much about the little living things that they were to ignore. Var was to focus on the intelligent ones, they would be small but larger. It worried them that they did not see or hear what the Master spoke of. Var did not know why they were not as apparent, perhaps it was something they would grow to recognize and the Master did not wish for them to grow concerned. Var trekked onward, the feelings of being watched grew worse, Var had thought they had seen something moving between the trees as they progressed, but whenever they stopped or tried to investigate they found nothing. The Master had spoken of the greater hostility in the wildlife here rather than in other places on this land. It worried Var that they had not seen much of any of it at all. The Sun was still high in the sky, Var had much more land to travel, even as their worries grew. [hider=Summary]We open on Thaa and a Gressinae named Var, Var has been selected to go down and be a mercenary on Galbar, and has even been gifted an artifact for that purpose. However, once arriving in the Aberrant, Var finds it strangely empty as they continue South. Growing worried at the intense silence and lack of wildlife going into their first full day on Galbar. We end on Var continuing their journey southwards.[/hider] [hider=MP Summary][color=Fuchsia]Thaa Start: 5 MP 3 DP -1 MP Portal -2 MP to make legendary beast of phenomenal power Var the Gressinae capable off leaving Thaa’s realm -2 MP and 3 DP to make artifact the Golden Gauntlet End: 0 MP 0 DP[/color] [hider=Golden Gauntlet]MP Durability I: The Golden Gauntlet is supernaturally durable and can survive environments and impacts that would destroy most gauntlets. Translator I - The Golden Gauntlet allows the wearer to ignore language barriers. They may speak and understand any other language. DP Bale Flame II: The wearer of the Gauntlet can summon Bale Fire from the Gauntlet in a spout or blast. The flames do not burn or spread like a normal fire and are not put out by water or sand like one might with a normal fire. Instead the fire causes rapid necrosis in cells of living material near the flame, and can typically spread across the living body of any creature hit by it. Larger creatures usually can survive initial impact if it hits a non-vital area although having any large portion of ones body be so subsumed is incredibly difficult and may require amputation or extensive healing or regeneration to survive. This effect does not protect the user from the effects of flame. Undying Regeneration I: The wearer of the Gauntlet will slowly regenerate wounds inflicted upon them beyond their normal healing abilities, lost limbs might be regained in use if reattached, although this won't fully re-grow a limb on it sown. Free Titles from Undead Port Undying II: The wearer of the Gauntlet can continue to function even after they've sustained injury that ordinarily would put them out of the fight. This does not heal the injury, nor does it prevent further damage. It instead keeps the soul of the wearer tied to their body and their body fighting, they may already be dead in effect, but as long as they wear the gauntlet they may finish the fight. This is a longer term effect, and may sustain the wearer till they can gain assistance to more permanently survive, although it is likely to be unable to keep the wearer alive through more severe injuries.[/hider][/hider]